I want Him : Thomas Jefferson

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So I'm busy cleaning the house (cause really I had nothing better to do) and guess what I find, My stupid brother-who-thinks-he's-so-smart left some 'important' documents that he wouldn't even let me read let alone touch.. Oh but see how the tables have turned dear brother.

But now that I have them.. I'm not interested anymore, its probably more of that constitutional shaz or more political rubbish.. No thank you.

I walk all the way to his office, because it really is a nice day and I maybe want to make him sweat so I make sure to make chatty conversations with people I meet on the way( and no I wasn't raised by satan) but unfortunately I still get to his office earlier than I would have liked.

"What do you mean you can't find it!" I hear from my position outside my brothers office. Oops.

"Mr Jefferson - James?" I cut my brother off his rant as I open the door to his office.. Knowing him, he'll talk till the good Lord, Himself gets tired of it and comes down and honestly speaking? I don't really need that right now.
Both my brother (James Madison) and the other cute looking guy wearing a magenta coloured suit and curly hair look at me as I slam said papers on his desk.

"What are you?-" I cut John off before he can start his excessive talking.. He sounds annoyed too.

"Oh hold your tongue dear brother." I roll my eyes as he squints, not glare, at me. "Before you blow your casket as to why I'm here disturbing your meeting (more like epic blasting) I only came to return these." I say gesturing to the stack of papers on his desk and the rest I take out from my bag. He looks confused for a few seconds before paling out.

" Did?-"

"No you twit.. I haven't read a single word from that thing." I glare at the stacks of papers that brought me here. "You know I don't stay interested in things I get for long." I drawl out turning around to leave when I notice magenta man watching me with interest before staring at my brother with a raised eyebrow.

"What's your name darling?" His Virginian accent catches me of guard as It certainly wasn't the kind of voice I would have matched with his face or attire.

"Oh where are my manners?" I sigh as James coughs but it sounded like he said something real close to 'in the gutter' I ignore the idiot (he'll see who'll cook for him). I focus on Jefferson (that's his name right?) As I proceed to tell him my name.

Jefferson can't help but look at the strikingly beautiful woman and then Madison and wondering what they're relation could be.

"So are you two married?" Jefferson asks casually as a look of horror crosses both their faces.

"May the Heavens forbid" James and I say at the same time both shivering in disgust.

"I'd sooner marry a beast than marry that" I point at James as I feel a bit of bile in my mouth at the thought. "As my luck would have it, I have the great displeasure of calling this idiot my brother." I sigh dramatically, placing a hand on my forehead as I begin to move towards the door.

"Just thinking about it leaves me faint." Are my parting words as I reach for the door knob.

"Wait!" The Virginian calls out and I turn to notice his outstretched hand as though he was ready to physically pull me back. A look of shock grazes my face and as I look at James and see the same expression. Jefferson noticing this puts his hand down before composing himself properly.

"The names Thomas Jefferson doll" he winks and that has me raising an eyebrow and looking back at James, the look on his face was all I needed before looking back at Thomas. I give him my most flirtatious smile before winking back.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Thomas." I say lowly before looking at John with challenging eyes. "And dear brother I accept your challenge." I say carelessly as I turn to leave. The look of shock and intrigue on Jefferson face and Anger on my brother are the last things I see before walking out the door.

James really shouldn't have given me the 'off the limits' look concerning Jefferson because now I want him and I will definitely get him.


New Chapter, New Day

Hope you enjoyed!

Do you guys think I should make a part two?

Don't forget to:


And Peggy!(Like)

Word count : 786

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