Chapter 5: Finally some progress

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You and Azula had been chasing the avatar and his friends for a while in the drill and was getting tiresome. You and Azula started chasing the avatar and where now on top of the drill. You where fighting aang with your sword, he was blocking your attacks but you kept blasting him anyways. You were studying his movements and where concentrating on trying to hit his back since that's the bodies weakest point.

You were about to stab him in the back but he dodged it and he knocked you on your back. You just sighed and stood up in an inhuman way.

Y/N: dammit...heh no matter I won't let a few bruises get in my way. Prepare to die young air bender

Aang: you betrayed my trust y/n you shouldn't have done that.

Y/N: Heh. What are you going to do? I've studied you're people's culture. Your all pacifist even if you were to end this war with the fire nation how we're going to plan on doing it? Chaining up the fire lord like an animal?

Aang: something...

Azula: stop talking and start fighting!

You nodded and proceeded to fight him. You continued to slash and fight him and but you and Azula got knocked down the drill.

Y/N: motherfffff!!!

Aang then walked over the boulder and sliced it into a point. He then began running up to the wall and proceeded to run down to the point. You and Azula eventually got back up and saw him running down.

Azula: stop him!

Y/N: right.

You and Azula began running up and you charged flames onto your blade and continued to run at him. You were about to slice his head off but he blocked it and punched the rock spike into the drill sending you and Azula far away and caused the drill to overflow with mud water. Covering you and Azula in it, you both began running down the drill to meet up with Mai and Tai Lee.

Mai: we lost.

You then landed down on the ground and began running to the nearest fire tank with the girls.

(Time skip)

You were in afire nation base still covered in mud...all of you were.

Y/N: I told you that if you screwed up then we would all need a laundry day.

War minister: you should have been more precise in your attacks against the avatar!

Y/N: and you shouldn't have overestimated the enemy just because you hid behind a thick wall of steel!

War minister: enough! You will listen to me if you are going to join us in this mission.

Y/N mind: stubborn old bastard.

You were about to l have but you heard squawking in the distance and looked to the side and saw a fire nation soldier holding a meager hawk.

Y/N: what is it?

Fire solider: a message.

You grabbed the scroll from the back of the bird's pouch and began reading it. You then looked in shock at what you read but then began to smile.

War minister: what is it?

Y/N: it would seem that the fire lord has heard of my plans and is interested. He has promoted me to the rank of general. It seems I am in command now. now as my first act as general we are to increase my production in the project age of steel. I want your men to gather and capture five test subjects. I prefer benders but non-benders is also fine.

War minister: yes...general...y/n

(Time skip)

It had been a long night and you had just finished your test subjects. You pulled an all-nighter and where beginning your first test.

???: y/n me and the war minister need to speak to you.

Y/N: please come in. The first test is about to begin

You turned around and saw Azula and the war minister behind you. They walked in and stared in shock at the five figures

Y/N: subjects systems seems stable. But it's mind may still be in shock. Do you know me?

The subject still did not answer.

War minister: y/n...what...

Y/N: answer! Do you know me?!

Cyber-prototype: you are y/n

Y/N: (chuckles) it works.

War minister: y/n what are they?! What did you do to the people we gave you?!

Y/N: you really are stupid war minister Qin. These are people I had you kidnap. They have been upgraded you could say. I removed the brain and put it in a suit of armor. I removed their emotions and feelings. They are the ultimate upgrade and they are the future of all non-fire benders!

War minister: no!

You and Azula then turned to him and looked at him in confusion.

Y/N: no?

He then walks up to the cyber prototype and looks back at you.

War minister: this..." experiment"... it's inhuman! Even for the fire nation! I will not stand for this general y/n I'll report you to the Firelord! When he finds out you will be executed!

You then began to smirk.

Y/N: and how will you do that from beyond the grave? Kill him.

The Cybermen then grabs his shoulder and sends hundreds of bolts of energy into his body. Killing him instantly. You then turn to Azula who was standing there cool and calm.

Y/N: I take it this doesn't bother you then?

Azula: No. I'm glad you killed him.

Y/N: excellent. The let's begin. Azula you are in charge of finding our way into ba sing se.

Azula: of course general y/n. See you tonight by the way~

Azula then left the tent while swaying her hips which got you distracted for a moment. You quickly snapped out of her trance and turned to the metal figures.

Y/N: my children of steel. Our age is about to begin, you are to move into Freezing unit until we are to invade ba sing se.

Cybermen: we obey.

The Cybermen began marching towards the back of the tent into the cooling unit and froze into hibernation.

(Time skip)

It was night time now and you had gotten some more work done. You then walked out of the tent and into Azula's tent and while she was changing you sat on the end of the left side of the bed still reading the book and you got from wan shi tongs library.

Y/N mind: John Lumic. Whoever you are thank you. Without this book, I could have never finished my project.

You then turned the other side of the book and noticed something.

Y/N mind: what's this? Dated 2006? That's impossible. Must be some dumb joke left from someone no mater.

You set the book down and Azula came out in her bra and panties and you both engaged in rather fun activities. After you were done you both crawled into bed and went to sleep.

Y/N mind: soon my metal children. Our time will come. It will be not much sooner the rest of this world will soon be mine. No one will stand in my way. Not even Ozai. I can't wait to see the look on that bastards face when he finds out I've been sleeping with hai daughter behind his back. It will be priceless.

You soon fell asleep waiting for the next day to come...

To be continued...

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