Chapter 3: Testing

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(Y/N pov)

It was currently night time and you had sneaked out of the avatars camp and had just headed over to where Azula and her camp was set up. It was very far and took nearly an hour to get there but when you did you saw one of your droids setting up your lab in a tent. You asked one of the guards where Azula was and they pointed you towards a tent. you walked in and saw Azula bent down over in front of a table which made your blush a little since you got a nice view of her ass. Luckily you quickly overcame it and walked up to the table.

Y/N: Azula, Mai, Tylee. You all look very nice tonight.

Mai: Whatever.

Tylee: Awww...Thank you!! *Smiled*

Azula: Thank you, Y/n now do they suspect anything of you?

Y/N: No. as far as they know I'm heading to Ba-sing-se just like we are. And if they ask where I was when I disappear I just tell them I was out looking for fresh water which is true most of the time. Unfortunately, The Avatar has started learning Earth bending. But don't worry he has only gotten as far as moving a rock. Now did you collect the supplies I asked for?

Azula: Yes, it's all in your tent and we have a test subject like you asked for strapped down on the table for you.

Y/N: Good now what is the plan for invading Ba-sing-se?

Azula: We shall be using a giant drill to break through the wall.

Y/N: interesting may I see the blueprints?

War minister: *Walked in* No need the drill is fully built and is the greatest weapon the fire nation could use.

Y/N: *Rolls his eyes.* Fine I have more important matters anyway. I'll be working on an actual weapon that won't screw up.

You walked out of the tent with a huge smirk on your face and walked into your tent and saw a male earth bender held down in restraints.

Male earth bender: let me go fire nation trash!

Y/N: put him to sleep will you?

One of the droids nodded and covers his face with a ragged and he passed out. You then put on your lab coat and began your experiment. You first cut around the crown of his head and removed the first layer of skin. You then inject a glowing green liquid into his arm and then used a mechanical arm to remove the top of his skull and you removed pieces of his brain and replaced them with wires and other parts.

After that you twent to his lower torso and installed a large device on his chest and removed the need to breathe for him. You then covered his entire body in a piece of grey fabric and put metal boots at his feet. You then removed his eyelids and replaced them with mechanical lenses. You then build handles and a large light at the top of the handles.

You then finished the surgery and woke them up from there deep sleep

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You then finished the surgery and woke them up from there deep sleep.

Y/N: what is your name?

Justin: Justin...why am I cold...I'm so cold...

Azula x male firebender {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now