Chapter 5

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The moon was already on its rightful place when Singto's plane landed. It was full and was glowing so bright bringing light far and wide despite of being alone in the vast sky. The stars gave way and hid themselves among the clouds but nonetheless it was beautiful. It was captivating.

Singto would've loved to take a minute to stare and just be mesmerized of the scenery above, yet, he was denied immediately. His senses were alerted and he became aware of everything around him. It was a little bit chilly, however, the atmosphere had nothing to do as to why he was shivering. There was also a constant pain in his head making his condition far from better.

The lad was anticipating the changes, prepared for it, that would take place as soon as he reached the country, but, he never thought it was much worse of what he was expecting.

"Shit," He cursed when he nearly fell thankful to the nearby wall he didn't. Some people at the airport even asked him out of concern if he was okay seeing how pale and weak he was, although due to his natural charm, he respectfully convinced them that he was.

He was the opposite of okay though. Everything was getting out of control and he was still miles away from home. Getting help was never an option and having sadistic friends, even if he ask for one, for sure they would just watch him crumble to the floor and laugh until they hurt their stomachs.

It must be his punishment. To suffer surrounded by people who never knew his kind still exist.


Singto haven't yet spend an hour to his homeland and yet he was already being punished. Not by his friends nor his family, but by with his own power. Stepping back to the land where his family was currently residing gave him an overwhelming welcome he couldn't think anymore if it was his father allowing the flow or was it just a common greeting for someone like who haven't come back for the last 87 years.

Japan was the place where he was born, hence, making the whole country a somewhat source of power. His source of power. The said power was deeply rooted to the ground and making contact after many years was like being plugged to an electronic outlet that if not handled right would explode instantly. Singto wouldn't explode, obviously, but if he lost his control to his own power, it would not bring any good news to everyone, like, up to the countries nearby. He was a threat to mankind and that was how dangerous Singto was.

The young lad took a deep breath before closing his eyes again. He was concentrating towards his core bringing back the control he was slowly losing. The curses he inherited from his father were not much of a help because just like him, they got weaker. His mother for sure would scold him after hearing his current condition. Singto's mother despite of looking kind was strict whenever the topic of power was brought up. He became a carefree one and took his guard down when he went to Thailand making his body unfamiliar of having too much power.

"Come on," He whispered calming his almost panicking self. Singto was in the middle of distributing the electricity-kind of feeling all over his body making sure it was equally done. He ignored the throbbing of his head and had solely focused in calming the sulking source of power.

"Need help?" A voice in his head, a familiar one.

"And then what?" Singto whispered not wanting anyone to see him talking to himself. He was already catching a lot on unwanted attention and the least thing he wanted to see was guards walking towards him. There was already a lot in his plate. No need for more. "You're gonna cause an earthquake? You know what it does to the roads."

A laugh roared inside his head way too loud he thought it gonna crack his.

"You watch too much series in Thailand, my boy."

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