Chapter 1

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It has been 23 years since they buried him alive hoping that it could kill him but they were too naive to believe that.


The Demon King ruled the kingdom just for his own pleasure. Nothing but for his own entertainment. Most of his people suffered from starvation, slavery, murder and prostitution and didn't care. As long as he get what he wanted, nothing else matters. Even if the cries of the women and children echoed throughout the Kingdom, the King would never look back.

His power was feared every where it could reach, especially burning anything what his mind set to, that's why the people never opposed him. They were afraid the King would burn them alive. That was his image to his own people and he didn't care at all.

True, he was ruthless, evil and mad yet there were still loyal people that served him. Surprisingly, yes, there were. Most of the people from the kingdom couldn't understand it why, but the demon king did. He knew it perfectly well.

They follow him because they believe in him. They believe that his every action has its meanings and he has sane reasons. They were loyal at fault but still loyal to the throne.

The people who followed him also needed his protection, not from the King himself but from the people who were just as insane as he was.

People that were living better than the most, started killing the others just for their own satisfaction and to think that the Demon King would never lay hands to the innocent ones. He would never touch them but sometimes he would do nothing about it either. There was a line to who's going to die or not on the hands of the Demon King afterall.

Nevertheless, the lot always blame him for the pain the killings brought to the kingdom. A plague that ate the people's mind and assumed that it was the Demon's fault. And it solely not. It was the mortals that kept on doing the massacre of their own people. People driven by greed and pride would slaughter their own kind just for the sake of saving their names and faces. The Kingdom turned a blind eye about it and focused to the ones who were killed by the King.

His kingdom might be dying because of the insolent mortal fools but the Demon King still didn't do anything about the matter. Why would he? He didn't care how bad his reputation could get as long as his own satisfaction was dealt with.

It was not easy to keep him pleased but it was not impossible.

A glass of a virgin's blood a month was the only thing he wanted. His only requirement for not eradicating the whole kingdom. Nevermind if it was from a man or a woman, as long as it was pure and untouched, that's all.

And it was the only thing that could appease the King's wrath. The bittersweet that came from it pleased him to the core. His utmost favorite of all.

Years had passed and it drastically continued until one day, a some kind of leader in the kingdom encouraged the lot to join him and stop the King's doing. The person wanted the Demon's rule to end, so, after a long journey from the West side of the world, he came back with the ultimate spell that could kill the Demon. The people believed him and started to march towards the castle where the Demon King and his loyal supporters were living.

The man casted the spell himself and brought down the Demon King to his knees. His supporters were killed one by one as they fought the mob stopping them to reach and help their King.

A loud cheer and cry echoed the empty now castle when the Demon King finally fell down. The people who were there celebrated their victory finally gaining their freedom from the unfair King.

Finally laying the Demon King to the ground, they buried him. Leaving his body rotting underneath the surface.

23 years had passed and the people still believed they've killed him but no, they didn't.

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