Chapter 6

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  "Be careful what you wish for,"

Suthilak snapped his neck killing Arthit in an instant. Such an easy task for a powerful creature like him, a demon and a king. Human's bones were too soft for his liking, breaking it was like getting a twig from a tree.

"Look at you," He said with a monotone. "...gone."

Together with your nonsense declaration of possessiveness. You think you could deceive me? You  are way ahead of yourself, human.

But who he was fooling? The King should've felt he succeeded with what he did, killing everyone including the person that caused his fall and those who made him suffer for the last 23 years, yet he felt nothing.

There was none at all.

The human's body limped against his hand, light and lifeless.

Is this how it is suppose to be? This easy?

Memories of how it felt when he was on a killing spree three decades ago came back as the blood dripped out slowly of Arthit's mouth.

You looked so small.

And the sight made the King shudder.

With pleasure?


The mere presence of thrill and amusement were missing.

Nothing at all.

Suthilak observed the dead being in front of him. The color red suited the human as his skin was pale, his veins and other blood vessels were even that visible. He could instantly tell how precious Arthit must have been to his parents, cared and treated with only the best anyone could offer. Now that he had a proper look, not that he never had earlier, the demon realized how exquisite Arthit was. He may got his features from his parents, but, the atmosphere around him did not.

It was stronger from a human. He thought.

What really are you, human?

His eyes then came back to the skin. The warmth that welcomed him earlier was slowly fading and turning into a colder one. Quite odd, because Suthilak liked it. He liked how it embraced him because in all honesty, Arthit was the opposite of what he was. While the human was pale and very 'human', the demon's skin was tan and was full of writings, symbols, and curses. The very essence of what his kind supposed to be.

Speaking of curses, they are being restless.

It never happened to him, they were obedient as far as he could remember and not once they showed such actions.


Not liking how he couldn't understand why they were at that state, Suthilak, without thinking, did the thing he didn't know would make his balance off altogether.

He threw Arthit's body that he was holding by the neck over the cliff. It was light as a feather, not wondering why, making it all easy for him. He was at a high place with such a view of the horizon, yet, it was horrible.

Since when this world became so ugly?

Then, a foul taste was found at the tip of his tongue as if the kiss they shared earlier started to burn him. A kind of taste he couldn't get rid off. His senses may have started fooling him because there was nothing for him to feel that way. He was a demon and the highest of them all and the body he just tossed was nothing but another body.

Nevertheless, his skin also started to feel hot. It burned him from the inside as his guts rebelled against him. He was powerful and such petty things were tolerable for him, yet, why it was making him submit to it? It made him irritated.

A foul mood.

Truly lost of what was occurring within  him, he looked down to where Arthit had fallen. He needed to see the evidence of what he had done to comprehend the things that was happening to his body and senses hoping for it to make sense.

Despite of the unquestionable height, he could clearly see how the one piece body was lying at the ground. Limbs were positioned pointing in all awkward directions that if he was still alive when the act was made, there was no chance of him surviving. Bones were sticking out as his blood colored the ground.


The Demon King went again over this thoughts while looking at his own masterpiece. There must be a glee present with the control he had over the human, he was expecting the same joy he had felt when he crushed him father but there wasn't any.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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