Chapter 10 - Shadow Realm: Arbora

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The land was dark, extremely dark. It was hard to see ahead of me. "Amelia, you alright?" I ask. "Yeah... I'm fine... but where in the world are we?" She responded promptly. "I have no clue. We need to get going soon, I have a feeling that something bad will happen if we stay for too long." With a 'um-hm' from Amelia, indicating that she understood, we started to press on. "Amelia, look around us! There are so many trees! Why are they all dead and strange looking?" I ask. "I don't know, maybe it's from this shadow. Arbora trees don't just start to die for no reason, y'know." She responded. "Ryan... come to me..." It's that voice. "Who's there?!" I yell.

"Ryan, who are you yelling at?" Amelia asks. "Ryan... meet with me..." The voice faded, and my 'Line Vision' activated. I really need a better name for it. My vision didn't go dark though. Is it because of the area we are in? Most likely, but that's not important. "Ryan! Behind you!" Amelia yelled. I quickly turned around and some bird thing tried to attack me. It was pure black, with some sort of crest on its face. It had huge talons, and let out a scream so horrifying. It was so loud. I quickly pulled my shield out, and tried to deflect the attack. My efforts were in vain. "Gaah!" I yelled, being pushed back into a nearby tree. The impact was painful, and I think I even coughed up some blood. "Oh god..." I said horrified.

"Ryan!" Amelia yelled, she pulled out her bow and launched a barrage of arrows at it. The first one hit it clean in the 'head' area, and the rest soon followed, each around the 'chest' area. The monster jostled around for each and every arrow that hit its mark. Despite this, the arrows didn't kill the thing. "What the?!" Amelia screamed shocked. The bird thing then changed it's focus and tried to attack Amelia. "Amelia!" I yelled in warning. I quickly picked up my sword and slashed at the thing. With the arrows, it couldn't fly well, so I need to thank Amelia for that. I slashed at the monster. It cried out in pain, and disappeared into a puff of smoke. "Hey, you alright?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you. Here let me heal you real quick. Healinga Minila!" Amelia used her magic and healed me once more. I was quite grateful. "Thank you, let's be on guard from now on. We don't know what's in here."

We kept following the line laid out for us, and we ran into even more monsters. Mainly the bird ones though. Amelia didn't take any pictures yet, but that's fine considering our circumstances. We constantly had to keep shuffling through many trees, bushes, shrubs, you name it, they probably got it. We kept beating those monsters on the way. Then, my body started to glow. Then, a screen popped up in front of me.

 Then, a screen popped up in front of me

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"A level up? Neat!" I said excited. "Yeah, but you're only Level 2. You've got a long way to go." Amelia stated. "I know that! Don't spoil my fun!" I said in a fake pouty tone. "Ok, geez sorry...." she said in an even faker disappointed tone. We each let out a small giggle, then we just laughed. Amelia tried to talk through the laughter. "Haha! Ok, we really need to keep going." With a nod from me, we kept trucking on. Then, we just didn't talk for a long time, and the silence was unbearable. So I tried to strike up a conversation.

"So...Amelia. Tell me a little about yourself, I want to learn a little more about you. Since we're traveling together and everything." Amelia looked confused. "Ok, but we can do that as we walk. My personal life isn't the highest priority. Although I do agree that we need to learn more about each other to succeed." With a nod from me, Amelia sighed and started her story.

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