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Hi! Welcome to my first book! Im not one for authors notes since i know how annoying they can be so if i have something to say i will just put it at the start of chapters :)


No one's POV

Taehyung has a secret. Well doesn't everyone? Well this secret, is big. He's afraid to tell anyone in case they change the perspective of him. His room mates might think he's a freak. Now this got to Taehyung. Not being able to tell anyone an important part of him. Now if you couldn't guess, Taehyung is a little. And littles aren't exactly accepted into society, or people don't know what a little is.

Taehyung was sat in his room. Playing with his stuffies. He really likes his bunny one, it reminds him of Jeongguk so he named it Ggukie! Jeonggukie is his favourite friend here. He loves everyone though, like Jinnie, he makes really yummy food and Suga Hyung, he let's Taehyung take naps with him.

"Taehyung! Dinners ready baby!" The oldest yelled. The mentioned quickly snapped out of his head space and quickly put his toys in a box and threw it under his bed.
"Coming!" He yelled back. He ran downstairs, forgetting about the bunny he left on his bed. All of his friends were sat at the table, apart from Hoseok. He sat down whilst Jin served, what looked like, some sort of pasta with kimchi.

"Taehyung-ah, why is there a bunny on your bed?" Tae stiffed at these words, all eyes were on him. He looked towards the voice and stared at Hoseok.
"Uh, t-that was a gift." He stuttered and looked down at his food, suddenly losing his appetite.
"From who?" Jimin asked, Jimin was Taehyung's least favourite, he still loved him but sometimes he can be quite mean to Taehyung.
"Uh family?" He said, asking like it was a question, Jimim nodded his head. Taehyung was glad the question was dropped so quickly and started to slowly eat his food, thinking about going back upstairs but realised how rude it was to leave when someone cooked you food. He felt a pair of eyes stare at him from across the table, he looked up, only to be met with Jeongguk's eyes. There's something about Jeongguk that makes Taehyung feel safe? Taehyung's face flushed as a familiar feeling rushed to his stomach as he looked down once again.

Everyone started to converse with one another, yet he still could feel Jeongguk's eyes on him as he spoke with Namjoon.
"Jin-Hyung I don't feel well can i go upstairs?" The second youngest asked, avoiding eye contact with Jeongguk.
"Oh of course, get some rest. " Jin said, with his caring, motherly tone.

Of course Taehyung didn't actually feel sick, he just wanted to get away from the staring bunny. Now Taehyung laid in bed, slowly drifting into little space. Just as he was drifting, Jeongguk came into the room. So the older of the two didn't want to talk so he pretended to be asleep.

"Tae?" No answer. "Taehyung-ah." No answer. Jeongguk sighed, figuring he was asleep. He walked up to the 'sleeping' figure and leant over. He gently kissed the little's forehead and left. This made Taehyung slip fully into the head space, he sat up in his bed and looked at the closed door.



Sorry its short! Its just a teaser and i promise the next chapter will be longer!

Taehyung-ah?》taegguk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now