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major fluff this chapter guys, guard ur hearts. part of the chapter is based on this picture ^^^

Trigger warning: self harm is mentioned

No One's POV

"God dammit! What were you kids thinking?" PD Nim yelled, flicking Jeongguk and Taehyung on the foreheads earning sharp winces from the two. The news had spread like wild fire that Jeongguk and Taehyung kissed, pictures were posted on everywhere. Surprisingly, the news hadn't been much of a shock to the media and they were accepted quickly. You could almost say that they were more famous than before.

The company and ARMY already warmed up to the young couple quickly, the members clearly already knew already about their love for each other. It made Taehyung and Jeongguk happy that society accepted them as a gay couple, and their career in music had never been bigger. The support from ARMY's all over social media made it so much easier on the two to be more open about their relationship. However, Bangtan's little secret about Taehyung would stay hidden.

Unfortunately, this isn't a perfect world, as much as we'd like it to be. There were obviously going to be some people who wouldn't approve, it was inevitable, and Taehyung knew that. It didn't bother him at first, he had barely seen any hate about it. That was until he went on Twitter and saw #stoptaegguk was trending worldwide, even though it barely made it to number 10. He clicked on the hashtag and regretted it.

Ew why would Jeongguk like him.

He's so fat and doesn't even look like a good kisser.


Taehyung instantly realised that these people were hardcore Jeongguk stans. Despite the tears rolling down his cheeks, he kept on reading.

Jeongguk's mine.

Taehyung should kill himself, Jeongguk deserves better.

Starve yourself, ur too fat to be an idol.

Ur literally irrelevant to BTS, nothing would change if u left.

No one cares about you, not even Jeongguk.

He's just using you.

(you have no idea how hard it is to insult BTS, let alone your bias.)

Taehyung stopped reading as he thought the tears would stop if he couldn't see them anymore. No matter how hard he tried, the comments would not leave his mind. He started to shake. He started to violently sob as invasive thoughts bombarded his mind.




Jeongguk doesn't want you.

Trigger warning: sensitive subject coming up. (self harm)

The thoughts continuously rolled around in his mind, only making his breakdown worse. He was honestly surprised that no one could hear him cry, but why would anyone come to help him? The others were probably sat outside laughing, right?

The thought made the boy dryly chuckle as he walked to his wardrobe, pulling about a box that could probably only hold 2 pairs of earrings. He opened the small box and smiled as what was inside. A blade. He felt stupid. How could such pointless comments make him want to do this again? Taehyung was at his breaking point, this is the only way he has ever known to deal with his pain. No one in the world knew about it, it made him happy that he still had at least ONE secret that no one else knew about. He grabbed the small piece of sharp metal and rolled up his sleeve. He dragged the blade across his delicate skin, not even wincing at the harsh pain it caused. He broke out a small smile, tears still rolling down his face, and watched as the blood slowly seeped out. He repeated the action about 20 times on each arms before deciding that anymore would make it too obvious. Taehyung walked to the nearest bathroom quickly, avoiding all members at all times. He shoved his arms under the sink and turned the water on, flinching at the small sting as the clear liquid hit his abused arms. Once his arms had stopped bleeding, he dried his arms and rolled the sleeves of his hoodie back down. He looked in the mirror to see that his eyes were bloodshot, but he could pass it off as being extremely tired as the tear stains had already disappeared.

Taehyung-ah?》taegguk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now