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No one's POV

As Jeongguk walked out the room after putting his little to sleep, he approached the living room hoping to watch some TV and relax for a while. His hope was short lived as he noticed 5 other members sitting in the room.

"Why are all of you downstairs?" Jeongguk asked, now standing behind the couch that Jimin and Yoongi were sat on.

"Jeongguk." Namjoon said sternly. Now that Jeongguk looked at them, he realised how serious all of them looked. This was new to him as they were always so goofy, barely having serious talks unless it was between 2 members, not a full group discussion.

"Yes hyung?" Jeongguk replied with a small smile.

"What have you not been telling us? We're bandmates, we're supposed to tell each other everything. No secrets right Jeongguk-ah?"

Jeongguk's breath hitched. Do they know about Taehyung? Did Jin-hyung tell them?

"I didn't tell them, Jeongguk. Jimin saw you and Taehyung in his room a while ago." Jin explained, making this possibly harder for Jeongguk to explain.

"Guys, it's really not that serious. It's just personal and something that Taehyung should explain to you instead."

"Go get him then." Yoongi demanded, not even looking at the younger.

"I can't, he just managed to get to sleep. If I was to wake him now, he'll only sit there and cry for a few hours until he feels tired again." Jeongguk explained, almost getting annoyed at how insensitive the members are.

"Jeongguk. This is serious."

"No it's not! So what if Taehyung has a secret? All of you have secrets too! Isn't that right Hoseok? I'm sure everyone would like to know what you said to me a few weeks ago right?" Jeongguk sneered, becoming agitated. Hoseok cleared his throat as he was about to speak.

"Uh, yeah. Guys it's really not that serious." Hoseok replied nervously, starting to sweat under Jeongguk's intimidating glare.

"In the morning, after breakfast, we can all sit down to talk about this. All seven of us." Jeongguk stated, walking away and heading towards Taehyung's room. He was in desperate need to cuddle someone and let go of his frustration. He opened the door to see that Taehyung was still sleeping peacefully, barely moving an inch since he was last here. Jeongguk quickly stripped down to his underwear and climbed into the sheets, wrapping his arm protectively around Taehyung.

~the next morning~

"Tae, baby, wake up." Taehyung shifted, slowly turning around to face the voice and rub his eyes in attempt to wake up.

"What time is it?" He asked, struggling to stay conscious. Slowly, he forced himself to sit up, his eyes were so heavy that he didn't even bother to keep them open.

"10 o'clock, don't fall back asleep baby. Jin made pancakes, you're favourite." Taehyung's eyes shot open, head instantly turning to face Jeongguk.

"Triple chocolate chip with strawberries on top?!" Taehyung screeched, throwing the sheets off his small body and running towards the door.

"Woah! Not so fast, remember what you're wearing Tae." Jeongguk said, grabbing Taehyung before he ran out. Taehyung looked down and mouthed an 'oh' before rushing towards his wardrobe, grabbing the first clothes he saw as he didn't want to waste any time. When Jin made pancakes, it meant that something really serious was to be said or that Jin had really good news. Taehyung couldn't think of anything serious that happened recently so he was sure that it was good news that he will hear. The older didn't even care that Jeongguk was still in the room and stripped down to his underwear.

"Jesus Christ Taehyung, at least warn me!" Jeongguk whined, looking up at the ceiling and praying to the holy god of jams that he didn't get a boner.

"Oh sorry Jeonggukie! You can go downstairs, you don't have to wait for me. Tell Jinnie that I'll be there in a minute." Taehyung said sweetly, throwing his box smile at the younger who just nodded and heading out, closing the door behind him.

"Guys, don't act too serious please. He has no idea what is gonna happen when he comes down." Jeongguk said as he reached the kitchen, receiving small nods from a few members.

"When will be down?" Jin asked, putting pancakes on the last plate.

"He's getting dressed now, he said he'll only be a minute or two." Jeongguk replied, he started to become a little nervous. Only him and Seokjin knew about Taehyung being a little. He was scared of how the others will react. Will they hate him? Do they think it's weird? Do they know what a little is? His train of thought was broken as he heard footsteps coming from the stairs. He saw Taehyung wearing a baby blue oversized sweater with black ripped jeans. Cute.

"Morning!" He said sweetly, however his joy disappeared as he earned no response, not even from Jeongguk. Taehyung instantly turned to Jeongguk, confusion evident on his face.

"What's going on Ggukie?" He asked innocently, making Jeongguk feel worse then he already did. Jeongguk didn't want Taehyung to be neglected from the group because of how he was, it would destroy the both of them.

"It all makes sense now." Jimin said looking down at the table, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. "The childishness, the collection of stuffed animals in your room, the constant need to cuddle." He continued.

"Taehyung. You're a little aren't you?" Yoongi asked, showing no emotion as he looked Taehyung dead in the eyes. The pure shock in his eyes was enough to instantly put Jeongguk into daddy mode which he didn't even know could happen to him.

"Baby, it's okay. They won't judge you." Jeongguk said, pulling the mortified little into his lap. He looked like he was about to burst into tears at any moment.

"I-I...I'm sowwy! Pwease don't hate TaeTae!" Taehyung yelled, burying his head in Jeongguk's chest, terrified to face anyone. It was a heartbreaking sight to see, he unconsciously slipped into his headspace and was sobbing into the younger's shirt.

"Hey, hey. We're not mad little guy." Namjoon said gently, kneeling down next to Jeongguk. Taehyung pulled away from Jeongguk and wiped his eyes.

"No made at TaeTae?" He asked, sniffling a few times.

"Of course not. How old are you little one?" Taehyung held up 4 fingers before snuggling back into Jeongguk's chest, clearly not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"It's okay baby. I told you they won't judge you. You can be little whenever you want now. Right guys?" Jeongguk asked, glaring at pretty much all the members.

"Of course."

"Yeah, sure whatever"

That was the main response from the members. Jeongguk looked down to see why Taehyung wasn't answering, only to see the older had fallen asleep. The crying had probably tired the poor little out.

"He's fallen asleep. I'll go put him to bed." Jeongguk said, carrying the little towards the stairs.

"Wait, Jungkook." Hoseok called out, making Jeongguk freeze and turn around.


"Are you his caregiver?" The question made him think for a moment. Was he? They never made it official. He didn't want anyone else treating Taehyung like he did.

"Yes I am." He responded and walked up the stairs, placing the little in his bed and tucked him in. Jeongguk kissed the little on the forehead and smiled sweetly at Taehyung.

"I think I really do love you Taehyung-ah." He said before returning to the kitchen.

Ah this took me forever to write! I have spent almost 3 hours editing all of my chapters and writing this chapter and ya girl is tired. A nice long chapter for you lovelies! please give me some inspiration guys! I'm seriously running out of ideas, it's a problem.

remember to use my code "vkook" and www.wearebts.com for 10% off your lovely merchandise!

this chapter was supposed to be out yesterday but I guess that I was so tired that I forgot to publish it...oops

Taehyung-ah?》taegguk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now