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sope smut people


Hoseok's POV

*2 weeks earlier*

I finally realised that I should get over my stupid crush on Taehyung. Jeongguk likes him and he likes him back. I could never do that to my dongsaengs. Lately I've been spending more time with Yoongi-hyung. I've began to observe him more than I used to. I used to believe that all he did was sleep and work hard to produce our songs, now I notice his gummy smile or the way he laughs. Although, they're just small things, they make me smile alot and my heart flutter.

"Hey Hoseok, are you even listening?" Yoongi asked me, with a small but visible pout on his lips.

"Of course hyung."

Yoongi smiled at me, he didn't talk again and neither did I. It was a comfortable silence that we both enjoyed. I suddenly got an idea, it was not responsible but I couldn't stop myself. I leaned in, I stopped until our lips were barely touching. I could feel his breath tremble slightly until he closed the gap that was inbetween us. The kiss was sweet and filled with love until I leaned in further, making the kiss lustful and hot.

"Hmm hobi, w-what're we doing?" Yoongi asked me as we pulled away from each other, breathing deeply.

No ones POV

Hoseok never replied to Yoongi and kissed him again. The kiss dragged on as they managed to walk up to Hoseok's room, taking of their shirts and unbuttoning their pants in the process, barely taking a breath inbetween.

Hoseok layed Yoongi down on his bed whilst kissing and taking off each other's pants. All that was heard in the room was clothes being strewn about in the room and heavy breathing and small wimpers coming from the oldest.

"Hyung, are you okay with this?" Hobi asked as he sat up, shirtless and breathing heavily.

"Hoseok, please just hurry up" The younger took this as consent and began to take both pairs of pants off their legs, leaving only their underwear and socks.

Eventually both males were completely bare and Hoseok was stretching the older's hole.

"Is this your first time baby?"

"N-no." Hoseok was almost shocked at this, he never would've thought that his hyung had ever done something as obscene as this, he was always the mellow one.

"P-please hurry u-up s-sir."


After hearing the word, Hoseok got impossibly harder. The younger began to scissor the older, hitting his prostate in the process.

"A-ah! Sir, p-please! M-more!" Yoongi begged, making Hoseok want to just start fucking him almost instantly but he knew he wasn't ready.

"Sir! P-please I'm r-ready!"

"Are you sure baby? I don't want to hurt you." Hoseok replied, stopping his movement in the older's behind.

"You w-won't."

"Okay baby, if I hurt you at any point, our safeword is cheese, understand?"

"Yes sir."

Hoseok took Yoongi's legs and put them on his shoulders. He took his member in hand and guided it towards his lover's hole. The younger slowly entered, earning small hisses from the boy under him.

"Are you okay baby?" Hoseok asked, still slowly pushing in.

'Crap, I might be hurting him but it feels too good to stop'

"Ngh I-I'm fine, it's just been a w-while is all." Yoongi replied, with nervous laughter and his body tense.

"Shh, baby. Relax, it's almost all the way in. Think you can take it baby boy?" Hoseok replied with a light giggle.

"D-don't get t-ah! too c-cocky." Yoongi said as Hoseok started to thrust slowly at first but now gathering more speed.

"Y-ya know, it's h-hard for you to be so f-feisty when my c-cock is up your ass."

"Shut u-up."

Hoseok kept thrusting, Yoongi kept moaning. It wasn't until the older screamed that he was close, that things changed a little.

"Okay baby, I'm gonna lay down, and you get on top of me okay?" Yoongi nodded to this and did what was told.

"Ah ah! Sir! F-feels so good!" Yoongi moaned loudly, bouncing on the youngers member whilst his moans were getting higher in octaves the deeper Hoseok gets.

"Ah! Baby boy, I'm close. Think you can come soon?"

As soon as Hoseok asked that, Yoongi stopped bouncing, his back arched and he moaned, almost screamed, and he came all over the younger's chest.

Hoseok started juttering as his climax was at its peak, white ribbons flew into the older's hole as the younger of the two moaned loudly.

Yoongi collapsed on Hobi's chest, breathing very heavily.



"I like you."

And with that, they fell asleep.

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