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Taehyung's POV

I wanted to take a nap but I needed my bunny plushie to sleep or I'll have nightmares, even when I'm not in little space, it still happened.

Looking for it was getting me stressed and I slowly started to slip, but I couldn't. Everyone was walking around and my door was wide open. I didn't even want to know what will happen, if they saw me. I sighed at the thought and kept looking through my boxes filled with random little things.

Without realising, I slipped.

"Taehyung-ah, are you okay?"

I looked up to see my da-Jeongguk. I couldn't call him my daddy because he isn't, I'd like him to be but he'd think I'm a complete freak. Of course little me didn't realise this.

"Daddy, I can't find bunny!" I cried. I couldn't contain my tears as they fell down my cheeks. I sat on my floor and buried my head into my hands, sobbing.

No one's POV

Jeongguk saw the crying Taehyung and ran to his side, cradling him in his arms. He didn't exactly know how to comfort him in this moment until he remembered the research he did previously. He kissed the top of Taehyung's head and placed him in his lap.

"Shh, it's okay baby. Daddy's here." Jeongguk didn't even feel wierd saying that, like it was a natural thing to be saying. He thought about being Taehyung's official daddy but he thought that it would he too early for that and Taehyung wasn't ready for that. He soon realised that the sobbing had stopped and was replaced with small snores. Jeongguk smiled at the sleeping boy (not creepy at all) and picked him up, suprised by how light he was. Quietly, Jeongguk placed Taehyung on his bed and lifted the sheets to cover him up. He then saw a rabbit plushie and thought it was the supposed 'bunny' that Taehyung was looking for. Slyly, Jeongguk placed the bunny in the sleeping Taehyung's arms and quickly left the room. He closed the door and leaned against it.

Jeongguk's POV

I sighed. What are you doing to me Kim Taehyung? My heart was beating rapidly and my breathing was erratic.

"That was a cute little moment you two had there." Someone chuckled.

I looked to the left of me, where the voice came from, and realised it was just Jin. I sighed, again, with relief.

"You saw?" I asked, looking at Jin from the corner of my eye. I don't know why I was relieved that it was Jin, there was just something about him that seemed more motherly and nicer about things than the rest of the members would be.

"Jeongguk-ssi, I'm gonna guess you know Taehyung is a little?" I nodded, I also figured he did too. I mean, Jin knows everything about everyone. Seriously.

"Yeah, he calls me daddy a lot when he's in little space. I had no idea what it was until I researched about it."

"You should be his caregiver Jeongguk, he may open up to you and to the rest of the members. It will be beneficial for the both of you." He said, and walked downstairs.

I sighed once more before I heard quiet whimpers coming from Taehyung's room. I opened his door to see him with his cover off, an obvious boner and he looked like he was in pain. Probably from the boner.

"Daddy it hurts!" Taehyung semi-shouted as I walked in his room and without locking the door, since I forgot that privacy exists.
"What hurts Tae?" I questioned, I kinda already knew the answer, and if that wasn't it, I'd be worried.

"My peepee daddy! I had a dream about you and now it really hurts, help me daddy please!" At this point Taehyung was sobbing. A wet dream about me huh? The thought of what Taehyung dreamt about made me hard. I looked down and saw the very obvious tent in my jeans, I couldn't help but want to help him. Just the sight of Taehyung right now could make anyone turned on. I climbed on the bed and leaned over the boy.

"I'll help you baby."

Taehyung-ah?》taegguk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now