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No one's POV

Taehyung woke up alone, nothing new at this point. He sat up and stretched his limbs, a few popping and making a clicking noise. Taehyung was sat peacefully until he felt a gut wrenching pain of guilt captivate his small body.


At that thought, Taehyung instantly threw the cover to the floor and sprinted to the younger's room, not caring that he was only in an oversized shirt and underwear. He came to a halt when thoughts raced throughout his mind.

What if he ran away again?

What if he hates me so much, he doesn't want to see me again?

Who changed me into these clothes?

Taehyung shook these thoughts away quickly and opened Jeongguk's room, not even caring that he was still asleep. He walked up to the younger's bed and vigorously started to shake him.

"Jeongguk! Wake up!"

The younger didn't wake up but only moved his head to the side.

"Ugh, Jeongguk-ah!"

Taehyung was slowly making progress, this time the maknae managed to stir a little, groaning and opening one eye.

"What?" Jeongguk asked with his croaky morning voice.

"Wake up, we need to talk."


"Now would be good." Taehyung said with a sigh, not in the mood to wait.

"About what?" Jeongguk asked sitting up, his cover sliding down and exposing his chest.

"Yesterday, we need to sort this out."

"Taehyung we've tried, it didn't work. Why bother?"

"Because I hate being like this with you! It sucks when you're mad at me."

"Yeah well who's fault is that?"

Taehyung was taken back by the comment.

"Jeongguk, I said I'm sorry! I really am! I am not leaving this room with the thought of you being mad at me."

"Can we just forget all of this please? Can we forget me kissing you and everything that happened after that?"

"Of course we can Jeongguk, but you know I'm not mad at you for that, I never was." Taehyung slowly moved towards Jeongguk, climbing on top of him.

"I-I know Tae it's just-"

Taehyung placed his legs on either side of Jeongguk, his hands on both sides of Jeongguk's face. The younger's eyes widened as he realised what was happening.

"Just-Just shut up okay? Let me do this. Let me love you."

"T-Tae are y-you-"

Before Jeongguk could even finish his sentence, Taehyung smashed his lips against his. The kiss was sweet and meaningful but quickly turned heated. Jeongguk placed his hands on Tae's hips and slowly moved them to his butt, still kissing the older.

"Mm-Jeongguk-ah." Taehyung blurted out, pulling away for a split second to moan and then instantly attached their lips once again.

Their makeout session lasted a while until Taehyung took it a step further. He got off Jeongguk and pulled the cover off of him only to see that the younger was only in his boxers. The older internally smirked as he saw a large bulge in Jeongguk's underwear.

"Taehyung, are you sure about this?" Jeongguk asked quite sternly.


"Have you ever done this before?"

Taehyung-ah?》taegguk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now