Chapter 4

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I wake up the next day to the sound of my alarm going off. I get up, knowing I would have to eventually. I walk over to Taylor's bed.

"TAYLOR!!!! WAKE UP!!!! TAYLOR!!!!!" I scream in Taylor's face, trying to wake her up.

"OH GOOD GOSH, ANNA MARIE! How many times have I told you not to do that?!" Taylor screams at me, annoyed by the fact that I continue to wake her up this way.

"BOTH OF YA'LL NEED TO SHUT UP! YOU'RE GOING TO WAKE THE WHOLE FREAKING HOTEL!" Chastity screams at us, already use to us.

"Taylor, we have a photo shoot in an hour! Chastity, I guess you're coming too? I don't really know. Chastity, YOU ARE NOT MY FREAKING BOSS, KAY??" I say. 

"No, I'm not coming. And gosh, Anna Marie! I was only trying to help," Chastity says.

"Yeah, help by screaming too!" I point out.

"GIRLS! Be quiet! Chastity can go back to sleep, and Anna Marie and I will get ready to go," Taylor says, taking charge like Liam would. I've always wondered why Taylor likes Louis when she's the responsible one like Liam. You would think that Taylor would instantly be attracted to Liam, but no! Louis is just "so much cuter and more amazing!" Yeah, that's what Taylor says. 

"Dibs on the shower!" I say, walking to my suitcase.

"Fine! I'll go use the boys' shower then!" Taylor says.

I grab the first outfit out of my suitcase, too lazy to actually care what I pick out. I walk into the bathroom, taking my clothes off. I turn on the hot water and step into the shower.


"ANNA MARIE! IT'S TIME TO GO! I HOPE YOU'RE READY!" Taylor yells, as I step out of the bathroom. 

"Oh! You are ready. Hehe," Taylor says, seeing me.

"No, really?" I say. I really am the most sarcastic person I've ever met. 

"Are you being sarcastic?" Taylor says in mock astonishment. 

"No, never!" I say, playing along.


"NO LOUIS! LOU STOP! LOUIS TOMLINSON! YOU QUIT THAT! STOP! STOP IT! CUT IT OUT!" I scream, suddenly being tickled by Louis. 

"ARE YOU GONNA STOP BEING SARCASTIC???" Louis asks, screaming very loudly. 


"WELL YOU ARE NOT HELPING!" I scream. Chastity doesn't know us real good yet. 

"Now shut up!" Chastity screams. Oooh, someone's not in a good mood...

 Yeah, not happening. I'm loud all the time. Chastity is just gonna have to get used to it! But I definitely like Chastity. She's kind of like Liam! No, really! She is! She's like responsible. Taylor is too. Yeah, I'm not. I'm the one who always wants to go to a party or go do something adventurous. Don't get me wrong; Taylor likes those things too. I'm just the wild one. Oh yeah baby! 

"Anna Marie! Come on! Let's go! We're going to be late!" Taylor says. 

"Okay! Let's!" I say, holding my arm out for Taylor to link hers with.

Taylor links her arm with mine, and we skip out of the hotel room, down the hall, and into the elevator. Yeah, we're just awesome that way. I press the button that says "1". You know that annoying music in the elevator?? Yeah, well, Dream Big is on right now. The elevator does that dingy noise, indicating we're on the first floor. Taylor and I skip out of the elevator, through the lobby, out the door, and into the limo waiting for us outside, gaining a few weird looks from some people. Hehe, that happens a lot.

"That was awesome!" I say.

"Yeah, did you see how many weird looks we got this time??" Taylor asks.

"So many! I think it's a new record!" 

"I know right? It probably is!"

"Yeah, for us!" 




Well, that got awkward quickly! Yeah, not that new. I'm so used to awkward moments! They happen all the time! Like when your exboyfriend texts you saying he's sorry for breaking your heart? And he was your boyfriend before you got famous? And you two haven't talked since? Yeah, that happened a few days ago. 

The limo pulls up at the studio. Taylor and I get out of the limo and walk into the studio. 

"Anna Marie and Taylor Swift," Taylor says to the girl at the front desk. The girl is very pretty. She has short brown hair and brown eyes. 

 "Hello, you must be here for your photo shoot?" the girl says.

"Yes, we are," Taylor tells her.

"Right this way," she says.

The girl walks us down the hallway, to the right, and into a room that says "Anna Marie and Taylor" on the door. It's probably our dressing room. She opens up the door and walks back to her desk. I look around. The walls are painted light blue.

"Anna Marie? Taylor?" another girl, who just walked into the room, says.

"Hi! Are you wardrobe?" Taylor asks.

"Yes. My name is Katie. Anna Marie, your clothes are hanging up right there, so you can go ahead and get those on, Taylor, come sit down, and I will do your hair and makeup," the girl, who we now know is Katie, says.

I walk over to the rack that says "Anna Marie" on it. I look at my clothes. White jeans, a blue tank top, and a white cardigan. Very pretty. I like it! I grab my clothes and walk to the dressing room. I change into them very quickly and put on the blue flats that are sitting there. I walk back out to see Taylor's hair straightened and very natural-looking makeup on her face. Taylor goes to her rack and walks over to change while I walk to where she had been sitting. Katie grabs a curling iron to curl my naturally straight hair.

Taylor and I both get finished at the same time. We walk out of our dressing room and to our photo shoot.


A/N: Sorry it took so long guys! I'm actually at school right now. We get to be on the laptops so I figured I'd upload:) Hope you like it! -RunawayButterfly

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