Chapter One

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Close your eyes. Block out any noise around you. Focus on your breathing. Now, imagine a world where we live with supernatural beings. Aliens, ghosts, and stuff scarier than your worst nightmares.

Imagine vampires, walking around with their umbrellas and gloves to protect themselves from the sun. You pass by one, and all you do is wave and smile, and they wave and smile back. Oh, how I would love to live in that world.

Unfortunately, I don't. Well, I thought I didn't. But that all changed, when I met him. He was beautiful, he was as pale as snow, he had beautiful black hair. He looked like a male snow white.

My name is Olivia. I have long light blonde hair and multicoloured eyes. One blue and the other pink. I have like a billion freckles going across my face in a straight line.

At this moment of the story, the beginning, I'm getting ready for high school. I'm 16 years old. It's my last year of high school and I wanna make it count.

Since I'm going on a field trip today, I get to wear whatever I want. I pull on a pair of tight jeans, a grey t-shirt with a mosaic elephant pattern on it, a black and white sport jumper, and matching sneakers.

I headed out the door and grabbed my already packed bag and ran to the front door.

"Aren't you gonna have some breakfast?" My mum called.

"I'm good! I have to get to school early."

I hopped on my bike and pedalled as fast as I could to school. Soon I arrived and saw students gathering around the bus. I parked my bike and ran up to my friends ; Riley and Sophia.

Riley and Sophie are dating, but they're complete opposites. Riley has short brown hair and was wearing a red jumper with kind of baggy jeans and brown boots. She's always doing sporty activities and loves dancing to her music.

Sophia has orange hair, that is usually in a plait. Today she was wearing a dark pink shirt with light blue denim shorts and black flats. She's very shy and quiet and loves to read and write quietly, but she doesn't mind it if there's lots of crazy things going on.

"Liv!" Riley says excitedly. "I thought you wouldn't be able to make it."

"I had to skip breakfast for this." I bent over, hands on my knees, panting. "So I might be a bit grumpy this morning."

The other students started filling up the bus, and we joined them. I hurried to get a window seat. Riley and Sophia sat down next to each other behind me.

I looked out the window and started bubbling with excitement. Suddenly an arm was wrapped around my shoulders. I looked over and saw Alex.

Alex had slightly long blonde hair and a lip piercing. He wore a black sport jacket, similar to mine, a white shirt, dark blue pants and white sneakers. He thinks that everyone likes him, and has convinced people that we're dating.

I pushed his arm off and glared at him.

"Go sit somewhere else." I said.

"Come on Liv. Don't be like that."

"When will you understand this? I. Don't. Like. You."

"Maybe if you just give us a chance, you'll find out that you actually do."

"Uh, last time I checked, I control my own feelings. Not you. I don't want a relationship with you. Now go away."

Alex sighed and moved to another seat.


As the bus drove on many different roads, taking different turns and rocking me gently, I started to get bored. I turned around in my chair and started chatting with Riley. Sophia seemed to be fixated on her book.

"What are you reading Soph?" I asked her.

"Oh, it's a story about this girl who wakes up one day to find that it's 3019, and there's a huge war. All sorts of monsters had been unleashed and she has to figure out how to get back to the present while being hunted by the government, who were the ones that made the war happen and created the monsters to kill everyone."

"Cool." Said Riley. "Can I read with you?"


Riley moved over and held one side of the book, reading with Sophia. They were both incredibly interested, so they didn't participate in the conversations that I tried to start.

I turned back around and sighed, looking out the window again. The sun had started to set, disappearing behind the ground. I yawned and started to feel sleepy.


I woke to Riley shaking me. Everyone was slowly shuffling their way off the bus. The sun had disappeared completely, and the moon sat high in the sky. I grabbed my bag and shuffled off with everyone else.

The teacher made us all gather around in front of the cabins that we were staying in.

"Alright!" One of the teachers said. "Before I send you off to your cabins, I need to tell you the rules. I want you all to listen!"

I didn't listen though. I was too tired too. I just wanted this to end so we could o and get into bed. Soon the teacher had finished, and she gave us a number between 1-4. Then we had to go and find our cabins.

Luckily, I was sharing a cabin with Riley and Sophia. There were two other girls too. In the cabin, there was a double bed with a single bed above it. Obviously Riley, Sophia and I would take those beds. The other two girls got the bunk bed behind the door.

There was a bathroom in the cabin that we all took turns to get changed and brush our teeth. Soon all the lights had gone off and everyone was getting comfy. It was cold, so I buried myself in the blankets, and soon dozed off.

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