Mark x Jack - Coffee

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It was a rainy day in Los Angeles. The customers inside the cafe weren't a lot. There were only a few people in there. Either sipping their hot drink while looking through their social media, reading a book or just chatting with their companion.

A young man with green hair was leaning on the cash register, scrolling through his phone while taking a sip of his coffee. The bell rung from the door signaling a new customer has entered. Jack looked up from his phone to see a muscular man with chocolate brown eyes and red hair that was a little damped. He was wearing a white v-neck shirt, black jacket and blue jeans. The man ran his hand through his hair letting out a sigh, shivering slightly.

The stranger walked to the register giving Jack a smile that made Jack return the friendly gesture. "Hello sir. What can I get for you today?" The young man asked, putting his phone down and ready to get this man's order.

"Can I have a mocha flavored coffee with two chocolate muffins please." Jack nodded, pushing a few buttons on the register. " That will be $25.10" The man pulled out his wallet and gave him 50 dollars (Idk moneys in the US. I don't live there.) "Keep the change as a tip." He winked which made the young lad blush and thanked him.

The red haired man went to take a seat on one of the empty tables and took his phone out. He was looking through Twitter when a caller ID popped out on his phone with a familiar face and a familiar ringtone started playing. He answered the call with a smile on his lips. "Hey RK! What's up?" He greeted in a cheery voice. "Hi Mark! Nothing much. Just wanna know if your free for tonight to hang out, catch up, watch movies or play video games. Tyler and Ethan will be there!" A young female's voice said through the phone. Mark could feel her smiling on the other end. "Sure! Why not. I could obviously beat you in any video game we play." He smirked, proud of himself. "Says the guy who screams on his computer screen, playing 'Getting over it.' then loses his shit. Although, I don't blame you. It is a very frustrating game." He heard her chuckled through the phone.

Mark rolled his eyes, chuckling a bit at the memory when he played that game. "Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. And sure, I'll be at your house at around six. Do you want me to buy something?" He asked. " Nothing at all! Oh! You can also bring a friend if you want." The young girl said, excitement visible in her tone" I got to go. I still need to finish my homework, though. See you later, bro!" She said and Mark said his good bye then ended the call.

"Here's your order sir." Jack said, holding a tray of Mark's order. He set it down on the table. He heard the full conversation, out of curiosity when he was preparing the coffee. He knew that eavesdropping is rude but he couldn't help it. "Was that your girlfriend you were talking to?" Jack asked, blushing slightly at his words. Although, he was already a bit disappointed thinking that this hot guy was already taken. Well, that's what he thought.

He heard a chuckle from the man and said." No. She's just a friend of mine. Nothing else." Jack smiled and let out a silent sigh of relief. 'Oh thank god! He's single'

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your name sir?" Jack asked, tilting his head a little on the side, curiosity gleaming through his baby blue eyes.

"My name's Mark. And I don't mind at all. What's yours?" Mark asked. "It's Sean. But I prefer Jack." Jack said, smiling and offered his hand to Mark, who shook it.

"I have to get back to work. Hope you enjoy your coffee!" As Jack was about to leave Mark stopped him. "Wait! Jack, can I...umm.. Is it okay if I get your number? I-It's just that the coffee and the baked goods here are great and " Mark nervously asked.

Jack raised an eyebrow then shrugged his sholders. Pulling out a pen from his pocket, then grabbed a napkin and wrote his number. He handed it to Mark. "Call me whenever you want." Jack made a call sign , winking at the red haired man then left.

Mark took the napkin with Jack's number on it and looked at it. A chuckle left his lips then put the napkin in his pocket.

He took a sip of his caffeine and a bite of his muffin, enjoying the delicious taste of it.

Hi! So was it good? Or horrible? Comment below of what you think. I think I should make a part two of this. Should I? Again, comment below if I should. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Bye!

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