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"Mark!" Sean screamed when said man hugged him from behind, surprising him in the process. Mark only chuckled and nuzzled his face on the shorter man's neck. "Stop that! I still need to finish decorating the tree!" Sean laughed. "Let me help you with that." Mark said grabbing some candy cane and putting some on the tree.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Google and Chase were baking some cookies. Occasionally, Chase would steal and eat some cookies.

"Chase, dear, please stop eating the cookies." Google grumbled. "But there so good!" Chase whined, with a mouthful of cookies. Bing entered the room with groceries and set them all on the counter. "What's up, Chase bro? There's the milk y'all need." Bing pointed at the bags of groceries. Google only hummed in response. "Awesome, bro! Thanks fer the milk by the way." The prankster replied, giving his friend a high five. "Bro can you help us prepare the food? We'll be having a few friends over. Is that okay, bro?" Chase asked. " Sure dude! Anything for my bro." Bing

Bim, Wilford, Jackieboy Man, Silver Shepherd and Yandre were putting mistletoes and other decorations in the house but at the same time goofing around. "Guys stop messing around! We got to prepare everything before our special guest arriv-" "And who exactly are these special guests?" Mark was cut off by Dark appearing behind him, surprising him in the process. Mark turned around to face his counterpart, a smile stretched on his face. "Some friends ." Dark just huffed and rolled his eyes then walking away. "Friends?" Asked the septiceye zombie, who was sitting on the floor,currently playing on his Iphone. Robbie was wearing a green christmas jacket with septic sam wearing a christmas hat. "Yeah. A friends of ours." Mark replied.

Dark went to sit on the sofa, grabbing a book that was placed on the table, opening it and started reading it. The book was called 'The Gift of Christmas'. He felt someone sat next to him making him turn to his left to see The Host.

"The Host seats next to the dark entity which grabbed his attention from the book he was currently reading. The Host asks if Dark has already gotten a present for his beloved boyfriend, Anti." The Host narrated. "Yes, I have. Come to think of it, where is Anti? I haven't yet seen him lately." Dark said, looking around for his beloved demon. The Host doesn't reply nor narrated. He just stayed and had a smirk on his face.
Dark rose an eyebrow at The Host being silent all of a sudden but just shrugged it off and walked upstairs to his room.

A knock was heard from the door and The Host got up from his seat, excusing himself from Dark. He walked towards the door and opened it.

"Host!" A girl's voice was heard from the door and tackled The Host in a hug. The Host stumbled backwards, a bit surprised but hugged back. "I missed you! How are you, my dear?" The girl let go of the blinded man, a wide smile was on their face. " The Host is fine. The Host missed them as well." The girl only chuckled and stepped inside when The Host told or more likely narrated them to come in.

The girl was a young teenager. She has mid-length,light brown hair. Chocolate,brown eyes. Tanned skin. Her height maybe around 5'4 or 5'5. She was wearing a long dark/navy blue trench coat, blue scarf, light blue shirt, black shoes and a navy blue hat. She's sometimes called the 'Blue Girl' or the 'Blue Lady' because of how she dresses herself . But she's mostly known as 'The Blue Rose Warrior'.

"RK!!!" Mark and Jack yelled and ran over to the new guest and gave her a hug. She hugged them back pulled away. "Hey gu-" The young girl didn't finish her sentence when someone wrapped their arms around her hips and swung them in the air while hugging them. " I'm so glad your here! We fucking missed you!" The familiar Irish hero let her feet meet the ground but still not letting her go.

"Robbie..misses you. Merry... Christmas!" The septiceye zombie also hugged her too. He was on his knees burying his face on her stomach. " Aww! I missed you too, Robbie! Merry Christmas as well, my dear." The young girl smiled and hugged him back.

When the two egos let her go from their embrace, she looked around and saw Chase and Google in the kitchen... kissing.

RK whistled at them and clapped her hands which grabbed the two love birds attention. "Congratulations you two for finally getting together. Also don't forget to invite me in your wedding day, kay?" She gave them a light chuckle.

"HOLY SHIT!" Chase yelled and ran towards her. Google walked behind his lover, placing on his shoulder. " Chase, love, please let go of Miss RK. She might suffocate from how tight your embrace is." The A.I said. The prankster let her go, letting the teenager breath. "Sorry bout that, lassie." "It's okay." The rest of the egos who were present in the living room received warm hugs from their guest.

"Where are the two demons?" Asked RK, confusion was written across her face. "Dark and Anti must be in there rooms." The mute man signed who just walked toward RK. "JJ!!! IT'S SO GREAT TO SEE YOU!" RK hugged the dapper.

"DARK!!! ANTI!!! GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE!!" The pink ego yelled at the said demons. Suddenly two demons teleported in the living room. The man in the suit had an annoyed look on his face, his arms crossed. The same with the other demon but had hickies on his exposed neck and collarbone plus a messy green hair.

" What?!" Growled Dark. " Having fun on Christmas Eve already?" Dark and Anti whipped their head towards the teen. The two entities had a small blush on their cheeks. The teen only gave a small laugh and opened her arms.

"Merry Christmas everyone!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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