entangled, part 10

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-Bad cops POV-

I had searched almost everywhere for (Y/N) and found no sign of her, that is until I went back to the alter and found a note.

It read, "If you wish to have your dearly loved one back, meet me at the graveyard at midnight, tonight."

I gasped and reread the note, hoping this was a joke. Although, I knew this was no joke.

I growled in annoyance and anger.

The moon was almost at its highest peak, which means that It was almost midnight.

I raced to the graveyard, and once I got there the moon had reached highest its peak.

The wind started to blow so hard that the trees branches started to toss their branches on wildly.

In a blink of an eye, a strange demonic, young male appeared in front of me.

I yelled, "What did you do to (Y/N)?!"

"Well, I simply want her dead. I haven't killed her yet, but I just wanted you to see her one last time." He said with a smirk.

Before I could make any move, he snapped his fingers and (Y/N) appeared.

I had tears in my eyes as she ran up to me and hugged me tight.

I hugged hugged her back and whispered, "It's going to be okay, (Y/N), it's going to be okay."

That's when she said, "N-no..it's not. He-he's my bigger brother, if he wants something, he gets it..."

-your POV-

You couldn't stop crying.

You had no idea what you were saying, but you knew that your brother did indeed get what he wanted.

That is until you had a flashback of your past.


"Mom, why does brother hate me?" A ten year old you asked.

Your mother replied gently, "I don't know sweetie, but remember, when the time comes you will be a fully fledged angel. Just remember when I say this, you will need to find hope in the darkest of times, even if everyone else has given up hope."

-end of flashback-

You now had hope stirring inside your soul.

You then heard a laugh behind you.

You whispered in his ear, "But, I'm going to change that."

You let go of bad cop and turned to face your brother. You narrowed your eyes and said "I am not afraid to fight you."

He laughed at that, held up one of hands and fired dark pulse at you.

You closed your eyes and waited for impact but you didn't even feel a thing.

You opened your eyes and noticed a brilliant, light blue force field around you and your loved one.

You looked at your brother with anger on your face, guardian angel instincts starting to kick in.

To be continued...

A/N I tried to make this good but I failed miserably...

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