entangled, chapter 16

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You and him made your way to the adoption center. Just as you two opened and stepped inside, you were swarmed by children.

After some time trying to get through the crowd, you made it to the desk.

You heard yelling behind the door. You and him were puzzled, that is until you just might have heard the muffled crying of a child.

You looked at your husband and with a nod of two heads, you went to the door and cracked it open.

What you and him seen was unmistakably horrible.

There, a girl, only about 9 years old, with what seemed to be a scar on her left cheek, crying.

That was the breaking point for you two.

You flung the door open with a big bang.

The person who was yelling at the girl looked close to her 20's. But that didn't matter now.

The next thing that happened was that the other cops were called, and the female who apparently hurt the 9 year old was going to trial in a few weeks.

The children at the adoption center were moved to a location that was most trusted.

As for the 9 year old, you and bad cop had adopted her without hesitating and named her petra.

Hope you liked it people! If you give me a request, I may continue this story. But for now, I will live life as it is.

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