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I wake up from my dream, well it wasn't really A dream because I was laying in the dark.

But anyways I try to get up and feel something heaven around my waist, What On Gods Green Earth.

I was seriously about to hyperventilate until I turned around and seen Quan & everything started to come

back to me.

Just thinking about it put me in depression but I had to use the bathroom so I tried to get up again

" What are you doing "

" I have to use the bathroom Q "

" Ohh I like that coming at your mouth (laughs) but a'ight "

" Well!, let me go nigga! "

" Oh my bad lol "

I just walked into his bathroom and it's so beautiful, yea I seen it last night but I didn't really pay attention because I wasn't in the right state of mind.

I'm still really not but you know I'm trying.

I walk out of the room and Quan is gone.

So I walk downstairs because I smell food, you mean to tell me this nigga can cook.

Nah, let me go see if it's him that's cooking because it smells BOMB, I really would

like to eat but that never works out when I'm depressed.

I walk in to the the kitchen and (gasps) it's really him. I'm such a fool lol

I go sit at the bar so I can watch him eat

" When you got down here Nell "

" Just now, what are you making it smells good "

" bacon, pancakes, and eggs for us "

" ohh... thanks but I can't eat "

" ( he turns around ) why you can't

" I can't eat when I'm depressed " I say with my head down.

He finishes cooking and sits down next to me with two plates, pushes the plate to me

and says here.

Now didn't I just tell this nigga I couldn't eat smh, imma just shake my head no.

He gives me the same look he gave me last night and growls " Eat "

I'm bout to get up because I'm not gonna throw up for him but before I can get up

he yells " Shanell you better eat "

Well Gosh, I guess imma eat this damned ugly lookin food

(Starts to eat) " That's what I thought hmph "

Now why this nigga always gotta test my patience " You see me eating now why don't

you start and SHUTUP dang "

" I know damn well you ain't just tell me to SHUTUP when I sitting tryna make

you eat caring bout your health when you not "

" Well I'm sorry now please be quite Quan "

" Oh GOD " I told this nigga I couldn't eat, I just knew I was about to throw up so I started running to the bathroom that's down here


I get in the bathroom and feel like I'm throwing up my life and while I'm doing that Quan holds my hair and rubs my back.

And this goes on for about 5 more minutes.

When I'm finally done I get up " You A'ight "

" No I feel terrible okay, do u have a toothbrush I can barrow "

" yeah here " he says and passes me one

Oh my gosh bruh like on some G, I fr fr forgot about my dad i have to go home.

" Quan I need to go, can you please take me home "

" Did you not just throw up here or was it somebody else? Nah it was you so what your

gonna do is go lay down and I'll take you later "

UGHHH " No Quan I need to g---" ugh there he goes giving me that look. " fine"

I start to stomp upstairs "and stop all that stomping"


And I continue to stomp up the stairs till I get to the room, then I go and lay down.

" Nell you need anything I got you a ice and heated pack, I ain't mean to make you mad I was just worried for your well being "

" it's fine I'm just worried about my dad but thank you "

5hours later ~

I just woke up, now Quan better take me home because I'm really worried about my dad.

I walk downstairs and see Quan and ask him can he take me home. "Yea Let me get my keys right quick"




So That was the 16th chapter. And the next chapter will be the theme of when

her life changed like it said in the book description.

That will bring a lot of drama and changes but stay tuned

Thank You For a Reading and Please if

You haven't....


I want to know what you think

I really appreciate it all 😆✌



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