lovely shots and Joe

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So 3 pills and a brush of the teeth later I had to leave to go get my shots. Driving past the same old driveways and houses. My mom kept on looking at me in till she said something. something unusual.

" So, I was thinking, how about you and joe go out to the movies tonight?" she said smiling. Joe Franslester was a family friend.  He used to be my best friend when I used to go to school.When we were little we both had blond hair and Crystal blue eyes, some people mistaken us as twins. In till I went to the hospital, I lost my hair so he did the most amazing thing his little 10 year old mind could think of. He shaved his head to. He stopped shaving it after I stopped chemo the first time. they still come over every Friday and watch movies with my parents. I just sit up in my room, reading or on my computer with lightly slated buttered popcorn my mom always brought up to me in till they leave.we went out when we were sophomores. But he was  just to clingy. So that relationship was over with. But I still can't look him straight in the eye, so I just ignore him all together. He tries to every once in a while but I ignore him or tell him I'm going to go to the doctors. I bet he was to chicken to ask me out on a real date.

" no mom." I said looking at her wide eyes. Is she crazy?

" well..." She said smiling at me.

" no mom! You know what happened an-"

" oh my gosh that was 4 years ago. and he's so cute! Please just think about it? For me?" she said. Her lip almost going into a puppy dog face. A long and tired sigh escaped my lips. I didn't want to even talk to Joe let alone go on a date with him.

We entered the patience room of the hospital. Patty was at the desk, as usual her red lip stick was a.little smeared and her blue.eye shadow stuck out from her eye lids. When I was little I walked in here for the first time and told her something I will never forget: 7 year old me walked up to her big desk and asked her this, " excuse me, but you have a little face on your makeup.".... She laughed. What I.ment to say was you have a little makeup on your face. She never forgets, but every Halloween she buys me a chocolate covered pretzels in the shape.of pills. as a joke. I laugh, but when other people make  jokes about cancer, I don't know why but I get pretty mad. It's just that people think it's funny to make fun of cancer, but why don't they try it out for a day?!

" oh my gosh why it isn't Miss Aalilya. How are you doing this fine day?" party said checking off my name on her patients list.

" good, going in for 3 New shots. Yay." I said with little to none atheism in my voice. She laughed.

" well you know what to do. First room on your left today." She said pointing to the narrow hallway. I smiled and walked down it. Room 1 spelt really bad. Almost like the shots.themself.

The usual happened, she came in gave me the shots then left. It wasn't really that fun, but my mom thinks it is.

on the way home it rainned. Do housekeeper when you were a kid, and u used to watch the raindrops race down the Windows? well iust still be a kid because that's what I do when it rains.


My mom picked up the phone, it was my dad. I'm just sitting on the couch watching the third season of pretty little liars. he wants to know how the doctors visit went. He does this every week after 10:30 on Wednesdays. My mom was working on her book and had no interest in talking to the man who cheated on her with some 25 years a year old. But yet she's always the one who answered the phone.

" Aalilya! It's for you!" my mom screened down the stairs. I picked up the phone and pressed talk.

" hello?" I tried to say it in the most cheerful voice I could manage.

" hey Aalilaya! how was you doctors appointment? are you still afraid of the big scary shots?"

" no dad I haven't been since 4 years ago." I said x
channel surfing really no caring about a word he said.

" how's your sight? when did they say your surgery was?"

" October, 4th. and they said I won't get my sight back. But it's no big deal. " I said trying not to break out into tears. How could you give away the sight of a 16 year old?

"Ok, well guess I will be flying on the 28th so me and you can spend some time together and you can see your little sister. Okay?"

" Okay dad. I love you."

" I love to too honey. Bye."


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