Exoteric and Esoteric

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Throughout the entirety of humanity there are hidden meanings everywhere. The main issue is that some have eyes to see and ears to hear, yet they will completely misinterpret everything labelling it as evil - this all relates back to ignorance, as in the majority of cases they do not realise that they have no idea what they are actually following, and why they are doing it. So many believe the term occult means evil, yet it only means hidden. With that being said, do not bother with anything "occult", I believe more in mysticism as this is much more fulfilling and safe. A lot of things aren't worth checking out. Look to Sanatana Dharma if you want more knowledge but after reading this you really shouldn't bother as it will waste your time. If someone knows a process you do not, they can use this to manipulate you. This is really a problem in western countries, thanks to the workings of the Phoenicians as well as the Edomites who now run the Vatican, which has its claws across most, if not all the world. Those in charge did not have the chance to completely destroy the beliefs and practices of those who live in Asia, in comparison to the rest of the world thanks to schemes such as colonialism, genocide, religious persecution and robbery.

Within all of these books, the information provided to everyone is the same, there are merely different interpretations that are applied. An exoteric interpretation is generally where the stories being taken literally without adding it all together, which can lead to a person becoming split off from reality. Esoteric would mean that people have knowledge of what the information really holds, and are able to make sense of the story and arrive at the way things really are. Often, with an esoteric interpretation, the veil will be taken off, and everything will make logical as well as rational sense. This sort of interpretation will also show how connected everything is, and this will prevent a person from being manipulated truly by what is considered a waste of time. For instance, the majority of religious myths are based on astrology (e.g. Jesus and the 12 apostles = the Sun of God and the 12 Zodiac).

The best place to look if you want to see the division between exoteric and esoteric information is religion. How many people are brainwashed into hating others, wanting to invade other people's lives, not to mention how illogical all the stories are? Someone would have to be in a sorry state if they were to take all of these stories literally, no? Look to the Catholic Church, you have people who have mostly not bothered to read into what they believe. They believe that God sent himself down to Earth as a person, and he sacrificed himself to appease himself and that if people do not accept God dying for their "sins" they will be forced to burn for eternity. They have to do communion in order to be 'saved', which is a mock-up of human sacrifice. Catholics will often point to Jesus at the Last Supper telling his disciples to eat his flesh and to drink his blood. When you have eyes to see, you see that Jesus is the Word in flesh (personified), and that blood means spirit. The esoteric meaning, therefore, is to follow the Spirit; live with high morals. This makes far more sense, having victory over the beast nature of man, compared to going out to an organisation that abuses children in order to get to "heaven" which is a church for eternity. Heaven and hell are both states that exist on Earth, quoted by Jesus in the Gospel of Truth, having victory over the beast nature will lead to infinite bliss. I recommend that everyone should try it out if they feel it would benefit them. Having victory over the said "beast nature", is really just being humane.

A lot of people in the West have enough common sense to read all of these tales and come to conclusions that the god portrayed is not real, and this will often be the end of their search and they will conclude that the only logical way of living is to have a material-reductionist point of view. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this view in of itself, it will often lead to a surge of nihilism which will lead to a degradation of morals, which is a negative thing as it will prevent a person from finding the kingdom of heaven that exists within. Do not get me wrong, there are plenty of good people out there who do not know this information. It is how you treat others and yourself that truly matters, not what you know. We can look at all religions and we will see the exoteric-esoteric divide. For Christians, we have the Gnostics. For Muslims, we have the Sufis. For Jews, we have the Qabbalists. The outsiders who are deemed unworthy of knowing the way things are, compared to the insiders who deceive the population of humanity in order to control them. This is the definition of priest-craft, controlling others through means of religion. Irreligious people are able to avoid this snare obviously, and as long as they try to be good people they will eventually experience heaven (as this is a natural process) but this is where most of them will fall, because of the suffering in this world it is very easy for a person to stop following their heart if their external circumstances are changed.

Theosophy has a pretty lit quote if you think about it; there is no religion above truth! Although, ironically, I find this belief-system to be quite dogmatic as it is. A lot of them seem to worship Helena Blavatsky as if she were god-incarnate when there has been evidence that she plagiarised quite a few of her writings. With that being said there is a decent amount of information in her books so kudos to her. With that being said at the end of the day, the majority of religions do have the same narrow path that few discover with different names and characters, however, it is better to actually have an idea of what is going on and what is happening as opposed to being a blind sheep who is able to be manipulated by ravenous wolves.

There are really two kinds people in this world if you think about it, which does lead to the split between esoteric and exoteric; those who are seeking truth and those who wish to live a lie and impose delusions upon themselves so that they do not have to face any contradictions to the way that they see the world. Organisations that put up exoteric fronts seem to enjoy targeting those who are considered vulnerable in society - religion seems to love taking swipes at the elder who is scared of what comes next, at the loner who seeks to join something larger than themselves, or the mentally ill person who wants to live in their own bubble. Even these religious books tell the people to follow the Spirit of Truth. Truth just means the way that things are. Everyone has the truth in their hearts - we would all know it if these unnatural organisations were not around lingering around every corner. A scientist called Nikola Tesla was not given very much credit for his discoveries, yet despite this everything that he has discovered has been proven to be completely correct, including that the universe is completely electric.

There is only one Source God; in Sanatana Dharma, that Source God goes by the name of Krishna (this has parallels with name Christ). There is a trinity: Krishna (aether), Radha (magnetism) and Belrama (electricity). This trinity is really One and everywhere, and nothing exists apart from these. This Godhead is a triune one. Everything in the universe happens by triune force.

Krishna (aether) is black light; it is the original light.
Radha (magnetism) is a force of omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience.
Both aether and magnetism move against each other in order to produce electricity.
Electricity (which appears red and blue) is the material, temporal force; the others are both eternal.

In Bhagavad Gita the 3 energies of God are spoken of: the internal spiritual energy, the marginal force and the material force.

Tesla declared that if you want to find the secrets of the universe you must look into the numbers 3, 6 and 9.
3 represents the positive (e.g. proton / pyroton).
6 represents the neutral division (e.g. neutron).
9 represents the negative (e.g. electron).
Sanatana Dharma shows this through the secondary trinity of Brahma (the creator/positive force), Vishnu (the sustainer/neutral force) and Shiva (the destroyer/negative force).
Krishna is considered to be a full avatar of Vishnu.

Tesla knew that if he told you about the number 12 (which is the transitory number) everyone would suddenly understand it all. 12 shows us the basis of our reality:
1 represents the way things are which is unity and interconnectedness, whereas 2 shows the illusion that is duality:
12 -> 1 + 2 = 3.
24 -> 2 + 4 = 6.
36 -> 3 + 6 = 9.
48 -> 4 + 8 = 12 -> 1 + 2 = 3.
60 -> 6 + 0 = 6.
72 -> 7 + 2 = 9.
84 -> 8 + 4 -> 12 -> 3.
There are also 12 petals upon the heart energy centre in Vedic literature which shows, it is always in the best interests of existence as well as non-existence to always follow your heart. The heart is your CORE (Coeur) as the French say.

Most physicists will tell you that eventually, you will only be able to explain the universe using Greek letters and numbers. They aren't wrong. A lot of physicists will say that it is impossible for a Higher Power to not exist once you know enough. I will explain this in more detail. I find that the Fibonacci/Pingala sequence otherwise known as the Golden Ratio is enough evidence to suggest that there is a Higher Power that has left its fingerprint upon creation.

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