darkness || pt 1 || jesskas

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 (Warning- curse words. Also this uses the 2nd male Jesse yeyeye ok)


History loves to repeat itself. The catch is, something either big or small will change. Spoiler alert: This time, it was big.

Once again, a Witherstorm is on the loose.

Once again, The New Order is sent to take it down. And that's exactly what they do. However, it will take a bit longer. Especially when you replace your leader, the greatest hero in the world, with an insomniac.


...Where am I?

It's so cold in here.

I see and feel nothing but darkness. Darkness surrounding me, the darkness appearing inside of me. Dark thoughts coming faster than ever. Cold shivers down my spine for what seems like forever. Horrible sights and visions appearing right before my eyes. The hallucinations of failure and misery slowly becoming reality.

It's so bad in here that its come to the point where I don't even know how long I've been here and I don't even care. I just want my friends to help me get out of here.

Suddenly it's like every single second I feel something- no matter how big or small- fade away from my memory. And when I try to get it back, its like suddenly there's time and space between us. When I grip harder, the distance grows even larger. Every time I start to feel it slip, I hear some voice, commanding me to let go. And I do.

Then, a feeling goes. My fingers suddenly become lifeless. My heart starts hammering my chest, trying to capture deep breaths. My nose trying so hard to capture any air left in this...place. And suddenly, I hesitate.

And when I hesitate, I can feel myself slip away, my whole body fading away into the void. It's like every ounce of air is equivalent to my hope. And when that goes, so do I.


I finally wake up, still inside of here, still in immense pain. My back stiff, legs asleep, and cuts on my arms and wrists that were sutured start reopening.

I just want a break from this mess. But I guess I have to go to the Nether and drown in lava until I'm on the absolute brink of death and then get every ounce of hope ripped out of me before I'm allowed back on my feet, which I can't even use properly anymore.

I'm so tired of this shit. I'm tired of everything. I'm tired of everyone counting on me. I'm tired of being a role model. I'm tired of being a good example. I'm just tired of being like how I am. Maybe this void is giving me a chance to restart. To have a second chance, to finally be who I want to be, which is just Jesse. Not the Hero in Residence. Not the Wither-Storm slayer. Just Jesse.

No. Shut up. I need to get back to my senses. This amnesia is getting to me, and I need to just ignore the voices. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Listen. Listen. Listen. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. lgnore.

As the command block glows in my eye, I slowly twitch my legs alive and use my hands to push myself up and I successfully land on my knees. I take a quick breath and sigh. Suddenly the simplest thing to do, supporting myself, became so difficult. And it's all my fault. If I weren't such a klutz, not strong enough to fight off the influence of the beam, I wouldn't be feeling so useless right now. I wouldn't have all these emotions just killing me slowly.

I plant one foot down, push myself up using my hand, and slowly plant my other foot. I raise my knees carefully, being careful to not suddenly collapse under my own weight.

I look down, and I'm successfully standing. But my knees wobble violently and my feet can't support my weight after sitting for so long. My lungs refuse to take in the air with all my focus and strength on stabilizing my legs.

I use my knees and slowly take a small step forward. Then, I take my other foot and align it with the other. Instead of walking forward, I trip on my foot and tumble violently and fall into the walls. 

What greeted me next was one of my worst nightmares.

I slowly ran my fingers over the ice-like solid, an actual live person trapped in there. Their face trapped in a look of pure horror.
He has lavender eyes, black hair, and has a black and purple sort of mold growing up his arm and into his chest. Its like he's rotting away slowly, and in so much pain as the only thing he can do is watch himself slowly die.

I hear a grunt. I see this person's eyes darting around and blinking rapidly like he is trying to shoot me a message. I slowly figure out that he's trying to communicate using Morse code, which I don't even understand.

All these emotions inside of me, I did even know how to reach them. How to get them to stop. But I know I'm angry. And I know how to release anger.

I punch the thing in pure rage. Its cackles and hisses and bursts into little pieces, until it disintegrates. This little thing gives me a bit of hope as I can hear the person trying to say something that sounded like "YES!". I keep on punching it, hoping that I could maybe get this person out.

"J-Jesse!!" They exclaim once they're free. I try to respond, but my mouth suddenly turns dry, and instead of saying "Are you okay?" I squeal, sounding like a dying horse.

They just shake it off and introduce themselves as Jaxon. "Look,  I know what this place does to you. I know the voices in your head say to not do it." He pauses, darting his eyes toward a light.

"There's the enderman, doing their thing again just like last time. I suggest you dive for it, or else when the rest of the Order comes, the voices will tell you to kill them. And you will."

I watch him fall out of the small hole opened by the Enderman, and I was about to follow, but for some reason, I hesitate.


this was something i was writing when i first published this book when I had no requests. ill probably continue this once im done w/ the others.

yes, jaxon is an oc! hes in my story im writing on my second account @randomnessfromliam.  not mcsm related and not ready to publish yet, but soon.

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