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"Is it Xavier again?"

"No- We talked for a while, he's cool."

Xavier wasn't the issue, at least not the big one on Grayson's mind.

"Okay." Klaus felt relieved, and then not so very relieved, "Is it me? Did I do something-"

Gray opens his mouth to say something but bites his cheek, thinking of how to word what he was about to say.

"You can say anything to me, babe. We struggled the first time with communication, I don't do that again."

Grayson swallows hard, "Last night, I had a lot on my mind. I was thinking a lot about you and I wanted to ask you some questions."

Klaus nods his head.

"When we go back- are you going to stay?"

"I- I do have a lot on my plate, these next couple of months... but I really want to stay with you." Klaus looks at his hands, "I know that we had some issues but um, that's why talking like this is good."

Grayson nods. "Why did you come to the house that night? You probably had plenty of other places you could of gone."

"My friends and I... we needed some place to stay and we had nothing but the clothes on our backs. I still trusted you. It was a bit last minute, yes, but I was hoping that it'd be okay enough between us- I was so hesitant about it. I thought that you hated me when you saw me."

Grayson pulled his hands back into his lap, "Am I worth it?"

Klaus' mouth hangs open and his brow furrows in confusion, "What-"

"Am I worth being with?" His voice breaks and his eyes puff, "We've had troubles from the start. You could have any guy that you want. I fucked it up the first time, why come back? Why chose me?"

"Grayson, listen" Klaus bites his lips, holding back tears, " We both fucked up the first time, okay? We barely talked about the important shit like this. I came back because, somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I needed to."

Klaus continues, "We were so worried about each other that we couldn't trust one another. Even though I was so in my feelings, you were constantly on my mind. God, Grayson... I'm so fucked. I'm so stressed about everything- like the weight of the world is pile driving itself onto my shoulders, but when I'm with you it just helps. I don't know what you mean by worth, but I fucking love you-"

Gray hugs Klaus tightly, the sob into each other's shoulders.

"I wanna help you today-" Gray says between breaths.

 "Okay" Klaus says quietly, "Why don't you go get something to eat. You look hungry."

"Do you want me to pick you up anything?" Grayson wipes his face and kisses him on the lips.

"I'm fine."

"You sure?" He kisses Klaus again.


"I'll be back in a little while. You gonna be okay?" Grayson says, backing towards the door.

He nods his head, "Could you shut the door on your way out?"

"Yeah. Love you babe."

"Love you too Gray, drive safely." Klaus responds with a smile.

Grayson shut the door behind him. Klaus' expression changed. He pulled his tarot cards out of his bag and began shuffling. He listened to Gray going down the steps and counted until he heard the door shut and the car pull out of the driveway.

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