XIV. Inner Monologue

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Klaus walks down the hallway, trapped in a kaleidoscope of emotions and feelings. 

Gods, what am I supposed to do? The Grayson issue really hurt me, and then Jeremy... What if I lose control again? I couldn't live with myself if I fuck up like that again. I already lost everything, I can't just start over like this again. This is so fucked up, what am I even doing here? Dorian Gray is a psychopath and this house is filled with people who are probably the same way... Well, not everyone I guess. He's probably the only reason why I'd stay- NO! Get a hold of yourself. Restraint, Klaus, restraint...

"Klaus, Dorian wants to talk"

"JESUS CHRIST! Please stop coming up behind me like that..." Klaus exhaled, having nearly thrown a punch.

Lynn laughed, "Sorry bout it. Anyway, Dorian needs to talk to you."


"Okay, take me to him I guess..."

Lynn smirks and leads Niklaus towards the study of Dorian Gray. He enters to find a huge library, filled with first editions and journals. Leather chairs and couches are strewn about on the dark oak floor. The walls that don't have bookshelves are covered with paintings and portraits. A desk near two bay windows seats the illustrious and illusive Dorian Gray, The Immortal... A portrait behind him is covered with a dusty cloth. The portrait of himself that he sold his soul for...

"Ah, there you are! Sit,sit, please." his British accent was smooth and gentle yet as stern as a lion.

Niklaus sat down in an old looking, ornate chair. It's back was straight, forcing him to fix his posture if he wanted to be comfortable.

"Unfortunately, I have to tell you that I brought you here with an ulterior motive in mind my boy." He twiddled his thumbs on the cane in front of him.

Klaus swallows, his eyes bounce to the flintlock pistol on a brass stand a little too close to Dorian for comfort.

"I asked you here because we are in need of your help. We are at war, son... and you are the soldier that could tip the scales of Justice in our favor. There are many people here that will fight along side you and show you the same loyalty that a man would show to his ruler. Your sheer presence here has given them hope!"

Klaus leans forward, ready with a rebuttal.

"Your presentation yesterday left a bad taste in my mouth. Sadly to say, that was not the greatest first impression."

"I am terribly sorry for that, but we needed a little morale boost," Dorian signals to one of his guards, "I'd like you to meet Faith..."

Faith, the girl who was burned at the stake hours ago, walks in with a smile on her face. Klaus' mouth opens in surprise. Instead of white lace with embroidered flowers, she is dressed head to toe in leather and latex. She waves at Klaus.

He turns back to Dorian, "Well that's cute..." sarcasm drips from those words like ice cream in the Sahara.

"A little white lie can bring out greatness in those affected."

"-Or the worst. She's a witch too. What if the other's recognize her face? It's pretty damn hard for me to forget..."

"I see, you are still adjusting! How about I give you a taste of what I'd ask of you if you accepted. There was a spy at our dinner party last night. He had entered under the guise of one of us. He's now a courier with very dangerous information. I want you to handle the situation. If you are still set of leaving, then you may go. But if your mind changes..."

Klaus takes a minute to assess what's been dropped on his plate. He has no where to go, yet Dorian would supply him with necessities and cater to his needs... He'd have to kill this courier, but it would drastically help everyone in the manor... Dorian is a prick, but he's incredibly intelligent and always two steps ahead... That present was a monster's idea, yet Faith is still alive...

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