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It all comes to an end

"I- I'm sorry" I say with a breath out and spin around with my back facing him, "... For some reason I can't- I just can't say it."

There was silence in the room. Neither of us said anything for what seemed like hours of just me standing there trying to figure out why I couldn't say it & him behind me staring at my dumb teenage self that can't get her act or feelings together.

"I... I think I should go" I say as my voice cracks while I grab my stuff.

"No, you shouldn't have to walk away because I'm the one who blurted it out and didn't know you weren't ready" He says and stares at me while I stop moving.

"... Why?"
"Because, I know that you're not ready to let anyone in"
"Why so"
"... Because your dad left. And you're afraid that'll happen to me but I promise you that it will not hap-"
"You don't know that"

He sighs, "Andry, please. I don't want this to become more complicated than it already is-"

"Complicated?" I scoff, "Just because I cant say it back doesn't make it complicated. I'm not that one who made it slip out."

"Suddenly it's a persons fault for loving someone?"
"N-no I didn't say that-"
"It seemed like you were saying it in that way. Seems like you really haven't matured"
"Oh don't come at me with the 'shes not mature' bullshit. Okay so what I can't figure out what I feel but does it really matter right now? Can you at least give me time?"

He spins around and paces back and forth aggressively as he stomps on the wood deck.

"So that's it? You don't want to give me time?" I question and cross my arms.

"There no time!" He says as he stops and throws his hands in there like I was clueless.

"What're you talking ab-"
"There's no time because you're leaving! You're leaving t-to wherever the hell you're going for your future! And you're going to leave me here like a memory that was good while but not good for the future"

He was then close to me after yelling and throwing his arms around and placing his fingers against his temple to represent on how I wasn't thinking as he looked at me so full of confusion yet lust, like how Jughead looked at Betty when they fought. Yet I still could not say it, there was something utterly wrong with me.

"That, that is why 'we' have no time" He says after a long period of staring at me.

Tears then started rolling down my cheek as I stared at him with a blank expression. He created a new wound that I don't think could ever be fixed not until I was ready to say 'I love you' back and it hurt. I wanted to stop hurting ever since dad left but something else caused hurt and this was it, I knew what was wrong.

It was us.

All of it. Meeting, kissing, touching, dating, sneaking, committing, everything. I knew if I continued this cycle of pain, I knew I couldn't get better when I wanted to.

The thought of it put pain in my chest and made the wound that he created more eternal that the wound would never stop expanding. More tears then came running down my cheek as I silently sob and bite my tongue from making a sound.

I shrug & let a shaky breath out, "Maybe this is what's wrong. Us. Maybe we just weren't meant to be or it was just the timing, I don't know but I do know th-that we can't keep doing this. Not anymore. It's causing too much pain for me & chaos for your life and I can't be the one who's causing all of this so... I'm sorry but this— you and me is finished."

I finish up grabbing all of my things and start heading out before he says something.

"So that's it? After all we've gone through you're just going to end it because you can't say I love you back? I can give yo-" He continues to say all the nonsense things that wouldn't make a change to the wound so I didn't need to hear any of it.

"I'm sorry but this is for the best. I wish you happiness even if it doesn't involve me because I can't give you that. Goodbye Liam."

The End

Yeah it took me a quite awhile to actually give you guys a new chapter but I actually put in some work and improved on writing just a bit (I guess lol.)

Yes! There will be a part two of this book, dont worry(: I will publish an update page on here once the second book has come out!

Thank you all for your support, would not have ended this book & begin book 2 without you guys and I'll try my best on getting book 2 out by the end of October!

Love you lots - K.

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