Chapter: 1

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Chapter 1

As the sun rose over the kingdom of Shiba, The dragon king Kei had already assigned duties and preparing for the day, The servants preparing meals and preparing the castle.

In the prince's chamber the curtains were still closed and no rays of sunlight could be seen, the atmosphere was calm and serene with the only sounds of deep even breaths and light snoring.
"Prince, It is time for you to rise, You have a full day of training ahead of you!" Margaret voiced coming into the chambers.
A single moan answered the servants command,
"Prince why must you be so difficult?" She smirked; kids.
One eye opened. "It's in my contract" The prince smirked.
Margaret sent the prince a glare, which seemed to be just enough as the prince jumped out of bed and hurried towards his bathing chamber.
"Works every time" She laughed as she set his clothes onto the bed,

Yugi had just finished getting into his usual clothes.
"Prince! you must wear the royal clothing! You have to attend an assembly of the dragons, and you must learn the ropes of shiba"
"Margaret is right, You must follow the protocol" a demanding voice boomed.
they looked at the top of the stairs seeing the king looking less than impressed.
Yugi looked down, "but father, Those clothes are rather flashy and uncomfortable"
"I don't care, You are a prince and soon to be king and you must start acting like one!"
The prince rolled his eyes but retreated into his room and changed.

The doors to the kings throne room had opened revealing the prince dressed in white garments with a cape the colour of the sun, silver bracelets and lastly the crown adjourned with a glowing purple stone in the middle.
"The prince finally arrives" The king's Advisors mock.
A deep voice erupts "I will not tolerate the mockery of Shiba's next king"
Silence followed.
Yugi sat down at the huge table beside his father.

"My lord, There has been recent activity in the Tortis empire, dragonBorn's are going missing. houses are being burned down and robberies",
"I thought Molan's empire was heavily guarded?" Kei was confused, Molan had told Kei only a month ago how strong his defences were.
"My lord, it seems someone from the inside had let them all in...His guards have been slaughtered or now missing, The crimes are getting closer to Shiba and we should raise our defences or prepare for any oncoming attacks."
"Molan had the best defence system out of the dragon-born monarchs, If his defences couldn't prevent any of these crimes how could ours stand a chance?"
"Dad? couldn't we at least try? I mean our kingdom alone houses so many innocent people, Is it not our duty to protect civilians?" The prince inquired,
"The prince brings up a good point, My lord."
"That he does Norman, However I will not endanger my own son, The only heir Shiba has..."
"My lord, If crimes stay going at this rate we would have just over a year to train him, And Not to offend you my lord but Yugi isn't near ready to reign king." The advisors all agreed.
"Than We best come up with a good plan before then, For now Yugi will train twice a day for five hours, His security detail will increase, As well as the guards around the gates. Understood?"
"My king, Yugi has not been able to master his will to transform, No one has seen his dragon-form yet, And I'm afraid that unless he can transform soon ... I'm afraid that prophecy will come true and the titans will rule once again, swallowing the souls of the innocent! We barely made it out the last time the war raged."
The king looked shocked, "The prince can't transform?"
One look at the prince confirmed the rumor.
"Leave us. This meeting is adjourned until tomorrow"
Within minutes the room became empty apart from two.

"Yugi, Why can't you transform?" Kei commanded.
"Father, I don't know every time I tried, It feels as though my heart is being ripped into shreds, And there's this voice telling me no!"
"Yugi...You are of royal blood, You must transform! every dragon-born heir has been able transform by now...except you."
"Father I just can't" Yugi scrambled to appease
The king squinted.
"Why not!"
the prince only looked at his fingers.
"Yugi" Kei was getting angry.
"Father, I am afraid the amount of power I possess will consume me and cloud my judgement"
Kei stood from his throne,
"Yugi, That's what we're here for! You must not be afraid, there are dragons far more powerful than you, you must never show fear as Your enemies will look for that and once they found it? That's when you've lost!"
"Father! If I can't control my own powers I will have lost the battle anyways" Yugi was getting frustrated.
"You will see Ishizu about the pain you feel in your chest when you transform, Then you will meet me in the training arena" Kei stormed out.
"Yes....My lord" Yugi spat under his breath.

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