The way homeroom worked at Jade’s school was that it stayed the same all four years. It was the only constant class guaranteed all four years, which was a good thing if the class happened to be great, but a terrible thing if there was no one good to talk to or the teacher sucked.
Jade hadn’t known this was how homeroom worked on her first day of high school. To Jade, homeroom just appeared to be a quick twenty minute start to the day that she would probably just spend napping or doing homework.
Jade had made her way to homeroom rather unwillingly that first morning because both of her best friends, Leigh-Anne and Jesy, weren’t in her homeroom. It sucked even more because Jade knew that they had homeroom with each other and were probably going to be having so much fun while she was in her homeroom counting down the minutes until the bell rang.
Jade was glad she hadn’t gotten her hopes up about her homeroom because as she walked in, she realized she only knew a handful of the people there, plus she wasn’t really close with any of them. Jade quickly and quietly made her way to an open seat up against the window and pulled out her phone, texting Leigh-Anne and Jesy in their group message that she didn’t think homeroom was going to be fun.
It didn’t help that instead of consoling her, Leigh and Jesy just sent back a selfie where they looked too happy for Jade’s liking. Jade lifted her gaze to the front of the class as she heard the bell ring and the door close.
“I’m Mrs. Norbertson,” a frail old lady said. She looked like she was about to collapse at any second. She looked way too old to be teaching, plus it looked like she was already exhausted. Jade knew that this teacher was probably really strict and boring.
“You can sit wherever you want because it’s too much effort to make a seating chart. And as a little bit about me, I’m a math teacher and I’ve been teaching here for forty years now.” Jade figured that the teacher wanted the students to be impressed by this fact, but no one reacted to the teacher’s words. “Since I teach math, by the time you graduate, most of you will have had me as an actual teacher at least once.
“Anyways, homeroom is just a quick twenty minutes to catch you guys up on any information about stuff and sometimes we hold quick assemblies during this time. Oh! And,” Mrs. Norbertson took a deep breath, she seemed like she was already exhausted from this small amount of talking, “homeroom never changes over the years, so we’ll be spending every day together until you graduate! How wonderful is that!”
Some students in the class said some half-hearted ‘yays’ and then they went back to what they had been doing previously.
Jade just sat in her window seat and groaned because her homeroom was terrible and she couldn’t believe she would be spending the next four years with the same homeroom. She hated that she was going to be having such a bad start to her day every morning.
Jade glanced forlornly out of the window and became even more upset because it was still so beautiful outside and she just wanted to jump out of the window and enjoy the sun while it lasted. Instead, Jade pulled her headphones out of her bag and listened to music until homeroom was over.
This constant snow was really starting to get on Jade’s nerves. Sure, at first she had loved the snow, but now it was falling pretty much every day and piling up everywhere. Driving was a hassle and it was just always so cold outside. It was early January and Jade already wanted summer again. She missed summer a lot.
The snow had already put Jade in a bad mood, which wasn’t good considering the fact that it was the first day back from winter break. Jade hadn’t wanted break to end. She had spent the entire break catching up on sleep and hanging out with Leigh-Anne and Jesy. Jade was just glad what she had heard happen to a lot of people in high school hadn’t happened to her. She and her friends hadn’t changed one bit and hadn’t drifted apart. If anything, high school had brought them closer together.

Jerrie Oneshots
FanfictionA compilation of Jerrie oneshots that I have written since joining the fandom. Unfortunately for the time being, requests are closed.