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It was rare that they had the opportunity to do something like this again. Normally their busy schedule had them bustling around from place to place, not being able to just sit in one place for long enough to soak up the atmosphere. All four girls felt extremely calm and relieved because they were having a girls’ night in, which was something of a rarity in these hectic times.

They weren’t doing anything special; there were just sat on some couches in Jade’s house talking about random topics while a movie played in the background. Even though these girls spent practically every second together, they never got tired of being together and they never ran out of things to say.

“It’s kind of sad that we missed out on a lot of nights like this because of how our lives changed,” Jade mused, more to herself than to the rest of the girls. She was half asleep because Perrie kept running her fingers through Jade’s brunette hair, which was something that always made Jade drift off into a sleepy state.

It wasn’t odd to find the two Geordies so close and cuddled up even if there was plenty of space; it was just how they had always been from the start. Their fondness for each other’s company probably originated in the X Factor days because everything had always been so cramped. So many people lived together in that house and it wasn’t uncommon to be pushed up against someone as you sat on the couch to watch the telly.

Even though the X Factor days were long gone, Jade and Perrie hadn’t felt the need to take more space. It was as if a silent agreement had been formed between the two; whenever one went to sit down on a couch, the other almost always followed and plopped down on the other’s lap.

This fondness hadn’t gone unnoticed; pretty much anyone involved on the Little Mix team knew about Jade and Perrie’s preference to be as close to the other as possible. No one ever thought much of it though; they just figured it was a way for Jade and Perrie to express their friendship. All friendships are different, and people show how they care for each other in many different ways.

It wasn’t just that the two sat close to each other. They often slept in the same bed for comfort and found their hands gravitating together when they were out walking at events. They also tended to call each other babe, but it was a casual thing; at this point they both just did it because it was a type of reflex.

The girls’ current positions demonstrated what sort of bond they had. Jade’s house has two large sofas; each sofa could easily seat three people, maybe even four. Leigh-Anne and Jesy were sat on one. They were lying down on opposite ends of the sofa so that their feet barely brushed. Jade and Perrie were sat on the other sofa, utilizing a lot less space than their bandmates.

Perrie’s back was resting against the arm rest, her shoulder leaning against the back of the sofa. Her legs were open to accommodate the petite brunette. Jade was sort of lying down, sort of propped up against Perrie. Jade’s head was resting against Perrie’s abdomen and her arms were on top of Perrie’s thighs, drawing small circles on them as a thank you to Perrie for making her feel all calm from running her fingers through Jade’s hair.

“But think about how blessed we are. Look at all we have,” Leigh said as she moved her arms around as if she were presenting Jade’s house. It had been the money from the girls’ success that had allowed Jade to buy a new house.

“I’m not saying what happened is a bad thing; it’s the opposite really. I couldn’t be happier with my life at the moment! It’s just weird; I used to want to give up anything to become famous, but sometimes now I have these moments where I would give up anything just to be ordinary,” Jade replied, pressing herself against Perrie because Perrie had stopped playing with Jade’s hair, and Jade wanted to send Perrie a subtle sign to continue.

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