Perrie pushed past the doors of her university classroom, glad that the lecture was finally over. It had only lasted an hour and a half, but it had felt as if the lecture had started about five hours longer. The second her professor had dismissed everyone, Perrie had shot up out of her seat and been the first one out of the lecture hall.
That's usually how things went with Perrie. She woke up every day with about fifteen minutes to get to class, she rushed to get ready and had to skip breakfast, she hurried into class out of breath about three minutes late, then she forced herself to stay awake throughout the lecture (sometimes failing to do so, and sometimes barely succeeding), and then the second she was allowed to leave, she bolted from her seat and out into the crisp autumn air.
After leaving class, the routine didn't end. Perrie would always pull her jacket around herself to preserve any available heat on the chilly walk to her favorite little café. She had discovered it in her second week of school here, and she absolutely fell in love with it. It had a cozy atmosphere and the staff there was wonderful. They all knew her by name and always had her usual order waiting for her: a pumpkin spice latte with whipped cream and caramel, a blueberry muffin, and a lemon scone.
Perrie looked forward to going to the café every day considering the fact that she never had time for breakfast. Her stomach was usually growling by the time she was making the short walk from the building to the café. She was glad they always had her order prepared, because she was ready to devour it the second she walked in the door and took her usual seat up against the window, two tables up from the corner booth.
Just thinking about food and a warm drink made her mouth water, and she quickened her pace. She turned the corner and a smile tugged at her lips when she could see the small shop down at the other end of the street; she was almost there.
Perrie was bounding down the street happily and then finally found herself standing in front of the door to her little safe haven. She didn't pay much attention to her surroundings as her hand found the handle of the door and she pulled backwards.
The fact that the door didn't swing open caught Perrie off guard and she stumbled backward slightly. She looked at the door in disbelief as she read a sign that said "OUT OF BUSINESS" in obnoxious red font.
Perrie felt like crying for so many reasons right now. One: she loved this place with all of her heart, and she couldn't even begin to fathom that it was actually closed down for good. Two: It had all been so sudden; not a single worker had given her any warning whatsoever. She had been here yesterday sipping her drink and chatting an hour away with one of the workers. Three: She was extremely hungry and she didn't know how long she could last without eating something.
Perrie sighed out in defeat and started to walk. There was no point in pulling on the handle one more time or peering through the windows into the shop; it would only make her more upset about the closing. She didn't know where she was walking to, but she let her feet carry her.
Perrie figured that since she was on a college campus, there had to be plenty of food places. She wandered aimlessly as she observed the stores surrounding her on the street. The rest of the bustling street seemed to be full of antique shops and vintage clothing stores. Perrie tugged the sleeves of her jacket over her hands when she realized she might have to walk just a little bit longer.
Perrie crossed the street and found that the next street over was lined with plenty of restaurants, all seeming to offer different types of food. Perrie wasn't sure if she should carefully deliberate over which one to give a shot, or if she should just turn into the closest one so she could get her food fix.
The closest store was the one to her left, which seemed to be serving a wide variety of chicken products. Perrie decided that it didn't really matter what she was eating at this point and decided that she was perfectly fine with entering the closest store.

Jerrie Oneshots
FanficA compilation of Jerrie oneshots that I have written since joining the fandom. Unfortunately for the time being, requests are closed.