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Chapter 7: Where is He?
Logan paced around the room, running his hands through his hair.
'This game of hide and seek was fun, but now it's his turn to seek.'
Roman leaned against the doorframe, and Remy lounged across the couch.
"Seriously, Logan, chill. He'll be fine, he's-"
There was a smash, then a loud thump. Logan ran down the hall and threw the door open to Remy's room, where he'd left Virgil. The window was open, Remy's lava lamp smashed next to it. In big letters, purple marker;

Virgil felt an overwhelming sense of déjà vu.
He woke up, head pounding, in a basement, tied to something.
He sighed and leaned his head against the wall.
They'd gone full movie kidnapper this time.
He was sitting in a kitchen chair, arms bound by the wrist to the arms of the chair, bound at the ankles to the legs.
He was damned tired of this.
He tried to think back to what he'd been doing before he'd knocked out.
He'd been reading in Remy's room, and had gotten up to open a window. When he'd sat down, someone jumped through and he threw the first thing he'd gotten his hands on, but they'd gotten him anyway.
"Hello, doll. I apologise for the... unconventional method of getting you here."
Virgil looked up, and his eyes met Declan's golden stare. He was leaning casually against the doorframe, a condescending smirk settled on his face.
"If you were actually sorry you wouldn't have done it." Virgil looked away from him.
Declan tilted his head.
"If I thought you'd come willingly, Virgil dear, I would have asked." God, Virgil could just hear the smirk... "And if I thought you could get past Lattimer."
"Most people believe that to be my defining trait, yes."
Virgil sighed and looked back at him.
Declan was silent for a moment as he looked him over. "I apologise once again for the treatment Braydan and Clay gave you. It was not meant to hurt quite so much."
Virgil scanned his face. That, at least, was sincere. Declan walked over to him, his footsteps against the floor the only sound to be heard. He leaned over, hands planted on either side of Virgils, and looked him in the eyes. Virgil tried not to squirm or look away.
There was something about Declan's eyes that made him deeply uncomfortable...
"What do you want from me?" He asked quietly.
Declan smiled slowly. "Oh, it's not you I want. You haven't done anything. I have no vendetta against you. It's Lattimer I want."
Virgil held eye contact despite every fibre in his being telling him not to.
"Why do you keep calling him that?"
Declan sighed and closed his eyes. Virgil relaxed for a moment before he opened them again.
"Logan Lattimer. Son of Luke and Clarisse Lattimer. Luke's whereabouts are unknown. Clarisse was murdered seven years ago by an unknown serial killer." He smirked and tilted his head. "Kicked out of three schools for fighting, but finished high school with top marks before entering a law degree. Practiced law for a year before falling off the grid." Declan leaned closer. "I know much more than you think. I have eyes everywhere, darling."
Virgil lifted his chin, trying to put on a brave persona.
"Yea? What do you know about me?"
Declan looked him over a moment.
"You're Virgil Sanders. You're 29 years old and work at a book shop during the week, and at a bar on weekends. You lived with your friend, Patton Lovett, who works in childcare." Declan paused. "You were always a quiet one, but also graduated top marks. Majored in the arts at college."
Virgil felt his heart beat harder in his chest. He didn't know how he could possibly know that... Declan leaned forward, tipping Virgils chin up slightly.
"I know a lot of things, darling." He leaned down and brushed his lips against Virgils.
Virgil made a move to headbutt him, but Declan pulled his head back.
"Woah! A feisty one!" Declan laughed and took a step back. "We don't like it though. Fair enough." He held his arms up, as if to concede.
Virgil studied him, and relaxed a little. Declan was being truthful. He couldn't stop him from flirting, but at least he was sincerely not going to do that again.
"Now we just have to sit back and wait for Lattimer to come find you." Declan blew Virgil a sarcastic kiss before leaving the room.

Logan was frantic.
Roman watched as he ran around the room, wild eyed, a mess of papers and people and books.
He'd never seen Logan wound so tightly, and he was talking about Logan.
"Logan! Relax. We'll find him."
Logan snapped his head towards him. He looked feral, like a dog.
And he still had Virgils hoodie. He'd been wearing it when Virgil was taken, and was wearing it now. It must've been bigger on Virgil than it looked, because it hung over Logan's hands, so much so he had to push the sleeves back just to do anything.
It was heartbreaking.
"Will we Roman?" He snarled, looking more like a dog than ever. "Because it seems to me that the only time we see Declan is when he wants us to."
Something had snapped inside Logan, and everything animalistic about him had surfaced. Roman hoped to god that they found Virgil, and found Virgil soon.
He'd hate to think what would happen with Logan if they didn't.

It seemed like he'd been here forever.
The watch Logan had given him told him he'd been here two days already, and he just wanted to go home.
Back to Logan.
The realisation surprised him.
He wanted to go back to Logan. He groaned and shifted in a movement that may have been him trying to kick at something.
What kind of Stockholm Syndrome shit was this?
He'd fallen for Logan. He was much kinder and sweeter than any serial killer had right to be, and at least he was cleaning the streets (sort of).
Declan had told him that every man Logan had killed was some lackey of Declan's, and Logan would kill them after he squeezed information out of them.
Not to mention Logan was damn attractive.
Virgil groaned again and let his head fall forward.

And now that Declan has Virgil, I'm ready to fuck some shit up :) I've only really planned for about fifteen chapters, so I'm really fast forwarding on this writing... anyway. Besides the point. I'm way ahead of schedule, so that makes me happy. Yay! Also, I thought I might have explained the reason Virgil was gone so quickly was because two people had grabbed him so the getaway was faster. Probably still doesn't make much sense, but. Anyway... Thanks for tuning in, see you next week!

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