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Chapter 11: Lovett

His return was full of surprises.
Remy had hugged him when he returned, looking distressed and worn down.
Roman hadn't tried to pick a fight with him, which was a miracle in itself, but had actually begun to wait on him, which Virgil had put a stop to because it made him uncomfortable.
But the most surprising was Logan.
Logan had made it clear he wasn't very big on physical contact, so he startled Virgil when he slid over to him and pulled him in. Virgil didn't object, just threw his arm over his stomach and leaned his head on his chest. Maybe Logan knew he needed this, maybe he just wanted it. All the same, Virgil was grateful it was happening.
Logan leaned his head on his and sighed.
"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I looked obsessively..."
Virgil shook his head and pressed a kiss to his lips to stop him talking. He really didn't want to talk about it...
Logan tilted Virgils chin up and kissed him back.
Then he pulled back and ran his hand through Virgils hair. "I'm so sorry..."
Virgil shook his head again.
"I don't know why he wanted to hurt you..." Virgil stopped Logan.
"No... Declan made it clear he didn't want to hurt me, but he wanted me hurt."
Logan blinked. "I don't... I don't understand."
Virgil sighed and went back to resting his head on Logan's chest.
"He wanted me hurt... but he didn't want to be that hand that did it. He had someone else do it... and he never stuck around to watch."
A muscle in Logan's jaw jumped, and he looked down at Virgil. "I see..."
Virgil gripped Logan's shirt. "Can we not talk about this please?"
Logan sighed and kissed the top of his head.
"What do you want out of this? Out of us?"
Virgil looked up at him in confusion. "I thought it was clear what I wanted."
Logan cleared his throat. "Not-not to me. Feelings confuse me. I know what I want..."
"And what's that?"
Logan paused. "I... want you to be mine. I don't want to have to worry about other guys when I know you're going to be with me..."
He stopped when Virgil snickered.
"And what, I implore you," he said shortly. "Is so funny?"
Virgil shook his head. "I want that too." He smiled.
Logan smiled softly. "So... you're mine?"
"Yes, Logan... I'm yours."

If he thought his homecoming was surprising, it was nothing compared to what Logan said a few days later...
"You're free to go."
Virgil looked at him in surprise.
Logan cleared his throat. "You're free to come and go as you please... I doubt you'll tell anyone what you saw."
Virgil threw his arms around Logan's neck and kissed him. "Thank you!"
Logan grinned at him. "You can go see that friend of yours..."
God Virgil missed him so much...
"Why don't you come with me? You can meet him."
Logan paused, staring down at Virgil before nodding.
"Sure. Why not."
That's how Virgil ended up bouncing in his seat in Logan's car, excited and on the way to Patton. Logan smiled at him from the drivers seat, reaching over to take his hand. Virgil gave him a delighted grin.
"This one this one!" He pointed at a building out the window and waited for Logan to park the car.
He flew out of the car and up the stairs, hearing Logan barely keeping up behind him. He knocked eagerly on the door, and heard footsteps. The door opened...
"Patton!" Virgil grinned.
Patton's face lit up. "Virgil?"
Virgil teared up and hugged him tightly. Patton pulled back and took his face in his hands with a gasp.
"Virge... what happened to you...?"
Patton didn't wait for an answer. He looked past him and beamed at Logan.
"Hi! Who are you?"
Logan blinked, then held his hand out awkwardly.
"Logan Lattimer. I'm..."
"My boyfriend." Virgil smiled at Logan. "Logan is my boyfriend... he found me."
Patton took Logan's hand and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you so much!"
Logan looked slightly guilty, not that Patton could see in the hug. He pulled back and pecked Logan on the cheek. "Patton Lovett. Nice to meet you."
Logan smiled awkwardly at him. Patton ushered them both inside.
"Oh my god I'm so glad you're okay! I'll be keeping a firm eye on you from now on."
Virgil swallowed. Here came the hard part...
"Actually Pat... I think I'd like to stay with Logan."
Everything stopped. Patton and Logan both looked astounded.
"Are you sure, kiddo...?" Pattons voice was soft, which made everything harder.
"Yes. I am."
Patton sighed and smiled. "If you're sure, then who am I to stop you?"
"Why... why don't you join us, Patton?"
More silence. Virgil turned to Logan, who looked just as stunned as Virgil felt, like he couldn't believe he'd asked that.
"Are you sure, Logan...? I wouldn't want to take up space..."
Logan waved a hand.
"There's more than enough room. And I'm sure Roman and Remy wouldn't mind. Besides... you're truly worried about Virgil... you could come."
Patton thought for a moment, then smiled.
"Sure. Sounds good."

Patton and Virgil officially moved in a week later.
After selling their old apartment and packing out all the stuff, along with some last minute quick renovations, they finally settled at Roman's place.
Roman was delighted that Patton was here, but they'd scared the hell out of Remy's boyfriend, who had popped in to see Remy.
"Dr Picani...?" Patton looked slightly confused.
Emile clasped his hands behind his back and rocked back on his heels with an awkward smile.
"Patton... I see you're in much better spirits than you were on our last visit..."
Patton didn't say anything, just tilted his head.
"Will I- will I still be seeing you this week?" He smiled again when Patton nodded. "Good... I'll uh, see you then..." he rushed upstairs.
Patton turned to Virgil. "What just happened?"
Virgil snickered behind his hand. How good it was to see Patton again...

My boys have been reunited. ;-; Anyway. I'm sorry I didn't upload last week it's just that it was my last day of school and it was kinda hectic and... I may not be able to upload that regularly until my exams end...  so please bear with me?
I clicked into this to add this chapter and gee manetty! 1k! Honestly that is so much better than I thought this story would do... thank you guys so much! See you next week, hopefully. Mwah!

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