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Chapter 14: Cold Case

Virgil wandered around the school premises, a place he used to love very much.
It was shut down three years ago due to an accident, and Virgil had used that as a space to be alone.
Now it just seemed cold and scary.
A murderer was here somewhere.
Declan was here somewhere.
He ran his hand over the old plaques they'd never gotten rid of. Most of it was old sports plaques of things their teams had won, some were spelling bees and other miscellaneous stuff that Virgil had never really cared for before.
This time he took the time to read them.
How many people here had died at the hands of Logan, Declan or Roman? Was the quarterback of 1999 a famous football player? (Perhaps Virgil should know that but it's not like he followed sports.) Did Favian "Most Likely to Succeed" Jones get that job he wanted? Did he start a family?
He hoped he did.
He hoped they all did.
He kept looking over them, until he came up on a photo.
The jazz band.
Something like ten kids, all in a line.
Logan in the middle, smiling at the kid next to him, who was grinning right back.
The kid looked familiar. He inspected the photo closer, until it hit him.
It was Declan.
Logan knew Declan.
"I love that photo." The voice made Virgil jump, and he spun around. "Takes me back to a simpler time."
Declan stood behind him, looking wistfully at the photo. He was leaning heavily on his cane, his knuckles white from gripping it so hard.
He seemed to be putting weight onto one leg, which prompted Virgil to ask his next question.
"You never told me what happened to your leg. What happened?"
A brief flash of anger crossed Declan's eyes. For a minute, Virgil was sure he was going to react...
But he just sighed and stared at the photo.
Virgil watched Declan. He didn't seem to want to do anything... then he smirked.
"How I missed you." He grabbed Virgil's chin, tilting it up towards him.
Virgil tensed. What was he doing? Should he move? Should he just.. wait it out?
He opened his mouth to say something....
And that's when Declan kissed him.

Logan didn't know where Virgil could be or if anyone had taken him or if he'd just run off on his own accord...
He ran around town, but he had no idea where Virgil could be, because something he'd noticed from Patton was that if Virgil didn't want to be found, if he just wanted time alone, he wouldn't be found.
He'd vanished. Without a trace.
Fucking great.
He slowed to a walk as he passed the mall, stopping directly on the spot where he'd hit Dorian.
What would have changed if he hadn't have ran? Would they still be friends? Would Dorian have become a serial killer?
Would they have been something more?
He shook his head, clearing his thoughts.
Theyd patched over the asphalt where Dorian had bled.
He'd spent years hating himself for what he'd done. He didn't know what had happened to Dorian. He didn't see him in hospital, and his parents had pulled him out of school after he was discharged.
He'd graduated not long after the incident. He'd gone off to law school.
He grew up. Eventually, he forgot about Dorian.
And now look what had happened.
Virgil was missing, and all because of a stupid mistake he'd made in his senior year.
He sighed and kept walking.
He had to find Virgil.

Patton held his boyfriends hand, pulling him around the town.
He was worried about his friend.
He'd been kidnapped, and now he'd run off.
He felt Roman squeeze his hand, and he turned to him.
"We'll find him, Patton..."
Patton sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Yes of course... you're right." He smiled. "We will."
He started walking again, biting his lip.
Maybe he didn't believe that. God he wanted to... but would they find him?
He didn't... he didn't want to believe they wouldn't. But would they?
He sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. Roman squeezed his hand again, trying to reassure him. Patton held on as tightly as he could.
He was supposed to help Virgil... and he'd failed him. He didn't even know what was going on... and for some reason he always felt... out of the loop, like everyone knew something he didn't. He'd tried to brush it off, but he just couldn't.
That was a feeling he hated more than anything.
He wasn't a child. He could handle himself.
He sighed. Now was not the time to wallow like this.
Right now, he had to find his best friend, before something or someone else did.

Virgil pushes Dorian off.
"What the fuck!"
Dorian smirked and ran his thumb over his lip.
"Had to do that at least once before I killed you."
Virgil froze. He... he was gonna die here. In an abandoned school, with no one but Declan around.
A flash of movement, the scrape of metal...
Virgil didn't think.
He lashed out.
He swung his backpack at Dorian, managing to knock him back, sending his cane across the room.
Dorian scowled, looking at his cane, then at Virgil.
"You little shit." He hissed.
They both lunged for his cane. Virgil felt his hand close around it...
Suddenly he was chest to chest with Dorian.
His eyes were wide with shock, and his face paled as he looked down.
Virgil had him by the shirt, his cane shoved through his abdomen.
Dorian coughed, blood spilling from his mouth and down his chin.
He stumbled back when Virgil let go of him, hitting the wall hard, so hard it dislodged the cane.
He slid down, leaving a large trail of blood...
Then he stopped breathing.
Virgil picked up the cane, and ran.

Logan jolted up when he heard the door open and close. Virgil limped in, breathing heavily, looking absolutely wrecked.
"Wh-Where were you...?"
Virgil didn't say anything, just tossed something in front of Logan and went to his room.
Logan picked it up.
Dorian's cane.
Covered in blood.
Through the shock, Logan could barely register what had happened.
... He was dead.
It was over.

They found Dorians body the day after.
Some teenagers had tried to sneak in to have a little alone time, but we're shocked to see a dead man there instead.
They searched for Dorian Blackmoore's murderer for months, but the trail eventually went cold.
All they found out was that Dorian was the killer of all their cold cases.
Logan stopped killing people. Now that Dorian was dead, he didn't need to do anything. He could officially retire.
There was no way to trace Virgil or Logan back to any murders.
And that meant they could live a quiet life.

This is... almost over... one more chapter and I end it. I'm so thankful to everyone who followed me to the end, waited through my massive hiatus, and actually stuck by. This ended up with so many readers, and is easily my most popular story ever. I had so much fun writing it! Thank you guys so, so much! I love you! Stay cool 💛🌻

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