First off in training, the net. Or at least that's what I called it. It was just basically a net that the men were to climb and reach the top of the fastest they could. And from the ground, we just watched and wrote down any observations about balance, coordination, technique, stamina, all that jazz.
Just as expected, the recruits proudly sprang to the nets and started climbing, having no real problems. Or at least any that we didn't want them to man up and tough out.
But although we enforced self-reliance, I made sure to keep a close eye on Rogers, for Dr. Erskine' benefit and the soldier's own. And just as I was guilty to expect, he climbed a few feet up the net before slipping with his hands, getting his legs stuck in the holes of the net, and ending up dangling like a sack of meat.
I immediately made my way over to his aid at a brisk pace as I heard Sergeant Duffy command him to get down. He started flailing around, and I worried for his safety and health if he shook his feet free and landed on his head.
"Wait! Wait! Stay there!" I told him as I neared him. I then laced one hand through the net and the other arm under his back to pull him up. Luckily he was relatively light, not more than 100 lbs. most likely, so I was able to lift his torso up so he could grab onto the netting to pull himself up. But just as I started to back away from him a bit, he lost his grip on the net and fell again, dangling with his head about a foot and a half near the dirt.
"Here, hold on. Try not to fall, it could hurt your head." I muttered as I, myself, climbed up the net a few feet above were his feet were stuck. It's a damn good thing I wore what I wore today, boots, trousers and a jacket, rather then heels, a skirt and a jacket.
"Okay, here. Now grab my hand, Rogers." I told him softly as I reached my right hand down to his, with my left holding onto the net firmly and my feet balanced on the rope so I wouldn't fall. He struggled a bit to pull himself up by using his core, but he worked through the struggle and came up to grasp my hand. I gripped his hand firmly as I pulled him up, me being at just the right place for him to be able to slip through the holes in the rope more so he was pretty much sitting in the netting now, with his hands held onto the net.
"Wow, you're strong!" He told be breathlessly and with a tired smile.
"Well thanks. I try." I told him as I climbed to the top of the net quickly, jumped down, then came around back to the side where he was. He took his legs out of the netting and finally placed them on the ground, then let go with his hands.
"Thank you for your help. I got myself into a little bit of a situation, didn't I." He said with a chuckle as he dusted off his hands. "And you must've done this before! You're great at it!" He told me as he gestured to the top of the net.
"You don't get to be a lieutenant by just sitting around and drinkin' lemonade." I told him with a small smile. "And you're welcome." I added with a small nod. He nodded back at me before looking over to Sergeant Duffy and the rest of the recruits.
"I should get back there." He breathed with a sigh as he straightened his back and patted out his clothes.
"Yeah. You should. Sorry." I commented as I squinted from the sunlight as I looked over to the others, as well.
"Sorry for what?" He asked as he looked back to me.
"Sorry. I don't have any lemonade." I joked, which earned a laugh.
"Okay, let's go. You have the barbed wire to do next, I think." I told him as we began walking over to the others.
"You talk about it like its a trip to the fair." He told me under his breath.
"Well, lemme just tell you that after you're done with it, and you're laying in your bunks, reading a book while the others are getting fixed up by the nurses, it'll feel a lot like the fair."
"And you think I won't need a medic when I'm done?" He asked.
"You're smaller than those guys. And it's not a bad thing. They have to crawl with their faces buried in mud, crouched down low just so they don't get scratched and scraped, and you and I both know they will anyway. But you? You can just crawl to the other end, a little muddy, yes. But less banged up." I explained, barely looking over to him. "And that's how I did it. You see?" I looked down to him. "Being the little guy has it's perks."
"Yeah. I guess it does." He agreed softly.
"Now go on, and remember what I said." I ushered him to hurry to do the exercise. Before he got there, though, he turned back around to me again.
"I'm Steve Rogers, by the way." He told me.
"I know." I replied. "And I'm Georgia Ronan. But you can't call me that around here."
"I know." He exclaimed. "And understood." He stated with a salute, which I returned.
He then reported to Sergeant Duffy, got a riffle, sand stood in line to wait for his turn.
When he was up, he crawled a good ways, not without a struggle, but keeping going either way, I had to admit, Erskine did pick one with a strong head and heart.
I watched him, clipboard in one hand, while biting he nails of the other hand. He was half way through when I noticed Hodge turn back to look at Steve. He then kicked at one of the planks of wood that held up the barbed wire, until it fell, along with the whole works. Steve struggled to stay under the wire and over the mud, but he couldn't move at all anymore.
"Hold this, please." I told Sergeant Duffy, who was standing directly to my left, as I handed him my clipboard.
I marched over, and just as Hodge was standing up, I caught him by his collar and pulled him up close to me.
"Go pick that back up soldier." I hissed at him as I grasped his collar even tighter. All he did was snicker at me, so I decided to take a bit more drastic measures.
"Go pick that up, or no mess hall or shower privileges for a whole week. Oh, and also, you can pretty much kiss this whole project goodbye. So, I'll repeat.
Up." I told him one last time, pushing him back with each word until finally pushing him back into the mud where he belonged. He looked at me with a killer, but not-at-all-scary-to-me glare. He proceeded to pick the wiring and fencing up to allow space Steve to get through. And just as Steve was nearing the end, Hodge dropped it (on purpose, of course) and had a laugh with his other friends. I grabbed him by the back of the collar and threw him back onto his but by it, and kneeled down to lift the wired up for Steve to get through.
When he was safely through, I looked back and not to my surprise in the slightest, Hodge had scampered off like the coward he was. I shrugged it off though, not wanting or needing to bother myself.
"Thanks." Steve mumbled to me.
"No problem." I replied.
"Yeah, I'll just meet you back there. I wanna walk." I told Peggy, respectfully declining her offer to give me a ride back to the house. She saluted to me fondly, which I gave back in the same fashion, and sped off in the night towards the barracks. Boy, was I ready to just hit the bed and fall asleep after such a hard day.
I started walking at a brisk pace, I hated walking slow, around the enlisted men's quarters and around the backside of the mess hall.
Just as I passed, though, I heard a few glasses breaking before 3 men sauntered out, one of them being an obviously intoxicated Hodge, along with 2 of his meat headed pals.
They seemed to see me, so they threw their last bottles who knows where before stumbling up to me.
"Hey." Hodge growled. "You're the bitch who wanted to kick me out." He slurred as he stumbled up closer, which was much closer than my liking.
"Yeah, and you're the bitch who insists on being such a jerk." I quipped with a smirk, as I pushed him hard away from me, into his two friends.
"Hey. You better be careful. I could-I could have you fired for that mouth of yours." He told me in a very jumbled variant of the English language. "Too bad it belongs to such a pretty face."
"You won't remember this tomorrow. None of you will. And it doesn't help that there's nothing up in your heads in the first place." I sneered. "I think those things that most people have are called brains."
Hodge then advanced up on me, so close that my back was pinned to the wall simply because I didn't want to touch him.
"I'll give you something to remember." He hissed, and I could see a certain look in his eyes. He then grabbed me by my wrists and pinned them above my head.
"Yeah. So will I." I told him with a smirk, deciding that had had quite enough.
The first thing I did was knee him in the crotch, since the bastard had my arms, and this made him release his grip immediately and double over in pain. I then grabbed the front of his fair, just above his forehead, and lifted his face up to see me just long enough before I delivered a strong uppercut to his chin. His head flew back so dramatically that the fell onto his back, and was seemingly out cold. But, he was just 1 down, 2 to go.
The other guys didn't hesitate in charging at me full force, and all I had to do was move to send their heads right into the wooded outer walls of the mess hall. They sprang back though, lucky for me, but the one on the left was met with my elbow to his nose, while the other was met by me grabbing his collar, and flipping him over my shoulder. He crashed hard to the ground, next to Hodge, and dared to look back up at me and try and charge again. But, he was too slow, and he unfortunately had to take a foot to the jaw to understand my message.
Now, the other one was finally back to his senses and coming from behind me, so I looped one leg behind his, and elbowed him again in the face, which sent him flying back onto his back, just like the rest. I looked at the 3 pathetic men at my feet before walking over to Hodge and leaning down to his ear.
"And if any of you remember me beating your asses all the way to Baltimore, don't think that I'll be afraid or get fired if you tell Phillips. Because you're the ones who'll be in your own personal hells." I whispered in his ear before standing up, straightening myself out, and walking back to the barracks for a good night's sleep.

So yes. 3 parts at once. I just didn't wanna publish 2 filler chapters one at a time and then this one. So yeah. I hope you enjoyed reading this, because I know I enjoyed writing it. (ehehhe I like writing the parts where my characters beat people up eheh) okay so anyway, thank you! <3
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