I can't

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i cant stop, they want me to stop but i cant put down my blade. i primes that it wont happen again but i cant stop myself. the tears are running down my face and the blood makes a mess on the floor. my eyes can't stay open much longer. the pain is great but i know it's not right. i stop myself but they will be there forever. i make the same chose every time that is why i'm still here. the pain never goes away. i hope someday i will be skinny but it's just a dream it will never happen no matter how long i go and how hard i try. nothing will ever change i will have to get use to the pain i feel all the time. i don't want this life why do they make me stay here. i just want this to stop right know. will i make it to my 16 birthday or will i not be able to take the pain any longer.

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