School n stuff (Update that nobody will read)

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So I've been going school for about 3-2 weeks now and I wanna make an update about it (Cuz why not)

Let's start!

So this year, I'm going to middle school so that's nice.

But the sad thing is that none of my friends are in my homeroom. BUTTT, But, I have two of my friends on my team, Ella and Kezzy. And that's a good thing

Speaking of friends, more than half of my friends are on the same team and its sad.

Like my best friend, Leah, we were in the same class last year and the year before. This year we are not and to me, its kinda a good thing because in the last two school years, she kinda hogged me so I barley saw my other friends.

While we stay on the topic of friends, I surprising made two new ones. Their names are Scott and Andrew. But the weird thing is that their both boys...

I think i became friends with Andrew was because on the day we started switching (like somewhere on the 4th or 3rd day of school.) he started to sit with me. And we started to talk more and yea.

And I became friends with Scott was because on the second day of school, my homeroom was forced to do an interview on another student and I was partnered up with him. During the interview, we found some stuff we had in common (like the fact that we both like penguins, have an older sibling who looks like them and we're both weird.) and we basically laughed the whole time.

Out of the two of them, I talked to Andrew more (Maybe this happened was because Scott was out for two days.)

Anyway, I like my teachers so far. My homeroom teacher is a math teacher and a science teacher (My two favorite subjects. But i like math more) But then I kinda like my English/social studies teacher, even though she can be strict sometimes, she's still likable.



This year we have recess...idk why...

And idk what else to say.

So bai X2

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