Moi bts plushies

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It's been like idk 10 days since I updated. I did draw somethings during those 10-ish days but they're not post worthy.

I've mentioned the fact that I do own best plushies. Not like those old official ones, but this kind v

 Not like those old official ones, but this kind v

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So I was like let's take pictures of mine and post them cuz why not

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So I was like let's take pictures of mine and post them cuz why not. It basically makes up for my absence.

Okie let's start.

First we have the first one I ever gotten, Blood, Sweat and Tears era Tae. I got this like at the end of my previous school year.

Tae, unlike the others, came in the mail without clothes. In other words, he was nakey. So Tae has a bunch of hand made clothes (that are basically cut up socks wih holes, that was before I started to sew. I still don't know how to make clothes tho)

Here's Tae in his work out outfit v

As you can see, Tae is stuck doing the T-pose for the rest of his plush life

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As you can see, Tae is stuck doing the T-pose for the rest of his plush life

Next we have blonde hair Yoongi (I was away from The fandom for so long that I forgot what era this was from)

He came somewhere in January this year. Yoongi came in this fluffy cape thing with antlers and fluffy pants, but right now he's wearing this basketball outfit that I stole from another stuff animal

Here Yoongo v

Yoongi unlike Tae and the other one I own, he has fluffy hair

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Yoongi unlike Tae and the other one I own, he has fluffy hair.

And he's fatter. I forgot to mention that.
Like seriously, the first thing I said after getting him out of his packaging was "Woa, it's fat." Or something like that.

It's more like his body and head was fat and his arms and legs are like sticks. But he's still cute.

Finally we have every Jungkook with brown hair era Kookie

He came the day after Yoongi came in the mail. He came in this pink peach outfit but right now he's wearing Yoongi's outfit because it was hard getting Yoongi's pants on him, so Kookie's wearing it.

Here bab Kookie v

Kookie is also stuck doing the T-pose

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Kookie is also stuck doing the T-pose

Also here's Kookie's original outfit v

Also here's Kookie's original outfit v

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Oh well that's it. It probably wasn't that cool but at least I updated.

Now bai my fellow peeps.

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