Author's Note

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      Hi everyone. Thank you for reading my first fanfiction here on Wattpad. I'm very excited and I hope you are too. Now before we start the story I have three things to say. First, I hope you can comment on my story so I can improve it to everyone's liking. Two, I like to introduce the Ocs relevant to the first arc I have in my story before Chapter 1. Lastly, I don't own Fairy Tail or this picture and the credits goes to their respected owners. I just own the Ocs and the plot of this fanfic. So now, let me introduce them you now. The last thing to remember, please enjoy my story to your fullest. Have a great time reading this.-Eternal signing out

1). Nel Kite

Alias: Vide Frost

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Alias: Vide Frost

Status: Unknown

Race: Human                                                                                                                                                                          

Gender: Male                                                                                                                                                                           

Eye Color: Blue                                                                                                                                                           

 Hair Color: White                                                                                                                                                                  

 Family(Actual): Father-Vince(Deceased), Mother-Sophia(Deceased), Sister-?(Alive)                                       

Family(Adopted): Mother-Queen Saphara(?), Aunt-General Krelse(?), Uncle-Isgar the wise(?), Brother-Prince Virus(?), Sister-Princess Vira(?)

Magic: Ice Dragon Slayer, Sealing, and Re-Equip

Curse: The Void and Wraith Takeover  

Magic Items: A sword call Oblivion(seals away his curses) and a cross necklace(seals away his ice dragon slaying magic and can be used to for exorcisms to)                                                                           

Affiliations: Fairy Tail, Eternal Council, Kingdom of Glacia, Era, Kingdom of Fiore                                

Guild Mark: None as of now                                                                                                                                               

Partners: Freya(his Exceed) and anyone from Fairy Tail(especially Mira and Laxus)

Last Seen: X780

1). Freya

Status: Alive

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Status: Alive

Race: Exceed

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Blue

Fur Color: Ice Blue

Family(Actual): Father-?(?), Mother-?(?)

Family(Adopted): Father-Vide(?), Mother-Mira(Alive), Mom-Cana(Alive), Brother-Happy(Alive)

Magic: Aera and Transformation

Magic Items: A dagger called Faithkeeper(boots in speed and strength in Neko form)

Affiliations: Fairy Tail, Cana, Strauss Siblings, Thunder Legion, Exceed Squad, Kingdom of Fiore

Guild Mark: Back(light blue)

Partners: Vide and anyone from Fairy Tail(especially Mira, Cana, and Laxus)

Last Seen: X780

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