Chapter 3: Beginnings

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"Ahhhhhh!" Everyone inside of the guild screamed as white light consumed them. They felt a burning sensation as their bodies started to disintegrate. But soon as it started, the pain and white light had started to go away and completely vanish. As everyone blinked their eyes, they found themselves somehow transport the marketplace in Magnolia.

"This-this is-this is the marketplace in town!" exclaimed Lucy.

"How did we get here?!?" shouted Elfman.

"Did it worked?" question Levy as she looked at Freya for an answer.

"Everyone calmed down." screamed the feline in question. Everyone became quiet as Freya went to a nearby newspaper stand. She analyzed and pointed toward something in the paper. "Check this out." Everyone gathered around her looked to where she pointed and gasped. It's was a Sorcerer Weekly Magazine that shows an old model but that is not what got everyone riled up. It's date. They were in X791. But the date on the magazine shows it is X774.  

"Impossible," whispered Lisanna as she inched towards Natsu(Your welcome NaLi shippers).

"We went back 17 years?!?" Jet cried out.

"Magic like this is not possible," said Master Markarov

"It isn't because we didn't actually travel back."

Everyone looked at Freya at this revelation. The icy blue exceed spread out her wings and shot up towards the sky.  Then like a falcon, dove at the nearest person in the crowd.  Everyone just stared in shock as she passed through the people she is a ghost. Flying up once, Freya grabbed attention while in the air. "Aunt Levy, do you get it now?" Freya asks.

Like shock from Laxus, the truth hit Levy. "We didn't actually go back into the past." Everyone looked at her, confused about this entire situation. "Let me explain. If we truly went back into the past, the people would surely react to us. But they didn't. Therefore this means this an illusion created by the crystal from Laxus's memories. "

 Stunned, the members of Fairy Tail stood in their spots as they took in this revelation. Then in the alleyway next to them, a small scream can be heard. As this was their natural reaction, everyone collected themselves and head on to the scene. What they saw in the alleyway shocked them.

"Huh is that what you got?"

"Come on I thought you wanted to become a Fairy Tail wizard."

"Hey, now. We don't break his frail little body. Isn't that right, Laxus?"

A young Laxus looked the thugs who were beating him to a pulp with tearful but defiant eyes as he replied, "My grandfather said I can be one!"

"What, being a wizard or being in Fairy Tail?"

"Man, I feel sorry for his grandfather. To think that the master of the number one guild and one of ten wizard saints got this weakling as a grandson."

"Maybe you should take a dive of the cliffs near Fairy Hills and be much stronger in your next life?"

With that statement, the Thunder Legion, Natsu, Gramps was spurting out magic power out dangerously. Before they can do anything, Laxus blocked their path. To their surprise, he closed and smiled as he said three things, "He is here."

Suddenly, a blur appears and knocked down the three thugs on young blonde. The thugs, bewildered, got up and assumed battle stances

"You know, that's a really bad idea to say to an aspiring wizard."

The guild looked at the new arrival, shocked at the new arrival. Young Laxus, looked up at his savior with a confused face. His savior look to be around his age, maybe little bit older. He had a long grey coat with a hood that looked kind of expensive. They could not see his face, but there was a symbol on the back of his coat. It looked familiar but no one can see it properly in the darkness of the alleyway. But there is a strange, nostalgic vibe to him. 

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