Chapter 1: Surprised Return

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Third Person Pov

"Happy, come on!" Natsu exclaimed as he and his blue feline rushed towards the entrance to the old Fairy Tail Guild Hall. 

After the Zentopia incident, the duo rushed back so they take a job soon. As they entered the guild hall, Natsu and Happy found everyone at their normal spots. Macao and Wakaba are sitting on the bar stools, drinking their usual order. Mira was washing the dishes. Wendy is sitting with Carla, Juvia, Grey, Erza, Levy, Gajeel, Lily, and Lucy at one table. Laxus and the Thunder Legion was sitting not too far from where they were.

"Oi, flame brain!" Grey called across from the hall, standing to face his longtime rival. "Fight me, Ice-Make: Lance!"  

"Bring it Ice Stripper!, Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" The moves connected and there a mini explosion within the guild. 

"They're at it again," Lucy said as she and others sighed in irritation. "But I just glad to be back in the old guild hall." 

"I agree with you Lucy," Levy said as she held Lily on her lap.  

"But it's strange that someone anonymous pays for our huge debt and gives our old home back you know," Juvia replied with a questioning look. 

You see, a week after the whole incident with the Real Nightmare, Master Makarov received word from the Mayor of Magnolia about how their debts have been paid off by some mysterious benefactor. The same person also gave enough to give the guild hall back to Fairy Tail too. That was 5 days ago and everyone back in business as they geared up for the Grand Magic Games. This time, they are determined to win and make Fairy Tail number one guild in Fiore again.

"Hey, Mira," Wendy asks as the white-haired demon as Mirajane Strauss brought over her drink, curiosity etched in her voice as she pointed to a white banner with a blue dragon at the center of it inside of the guild. "What's that banner about?"

Suddenly, all the veteran members of Fairy Tail freezes and stop what they doing

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Suddenly, all the veteran members of Fairy Tail freezes and stop what they doing. Grey and Natsu stop their brawl. Erza, Grey, Levy, Happy, Lisanna and Elfman looked to the floor with a pained expression. Master Markarov, Macao, Wakaba, and Guildarts stared out into the distance. Meanwhile, Laxus looked angry and sad at the same time. Lastly, Mira and Cana looked like they are the ones the most affected of this of all of them. The beautiful barmaid and the card mage of Fairy Tail looked like they at the verge of tears. 

"Oh, I am so sorry guys I didn't mean," Wendy said as she apologized as it was clear to the newer members that the Sky Maiden's comment brought sadness to the others. "It's just the banner is always there in the background and I never had the chance to talk about it before.

"It's okay Wendy, we know you didn't mean that," Natsu said as he was still looking down on the floor.

'But you see-," Levy before quickly covering her mouth, fear covered her eyes as she scans the guild hall.

"It's just-" Grey started but he looked like he did not have the heart to finish it.

"It use to belong to-" Lisanna started but stop as looked the guild for help.

 "Wendy, maybe we can talk about this later. Right now Mira and Cana are not comfortable about-" began the ginger-haired knight but was stopped by Mira, who raised up her hand.

"It's alright guys. Wendy, of course, I can tell you about the banner," Mira said in her normally sweet voice but there was a waver to it.

"Hold on Mira are you really fine with?"

"Yes Erza, I'm fine with this."

"Are sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure Grey."

"What about Cana?"

"I'm fine Grey."

"100% percent?"

"Yes, Levy."

"Uhm, you don't have to-"

"For the love of God, everyone please stop asking unnecessary questions!!!" Mira and Cana shout in unison. Everyone paled as a dark purple aura surrounds Mira and orange aura surronds Cana.

"You belongs... to our lo-friend," Mira began as she looked she was holding back tears but had a small sad smile.  

"He was strong, fast, smart, kind, caring person and everyone who met the man loved him," Cana added with a faraway look.

"Oh, is he someone famous?" Lucy asks.

"Yes, I suppose you can say that," Macao said uneasily.

 "Is that why you hang up his banner?" says Carla as curiosity got the better of her.

"No, that's not the reason," replies Guildarts with a sigh.

"Then what's the reason?" asks Juvia for she and the newer members want to know about the mystery of the dragon banner.  

"The reason is-" Master started but was interrupted by Mira. 

"We hang it there as a tri-tri-tribute to him," said Mira quietly as hers were then covered in the shadow of her long white hair.

The newer members realized why everyone acting edgy and sad. The man that owned the banner passed away some time ago.

"Looks like he was weak to me if he died then," Gajeel said without a hint of remorse.

Suddenly, half the guild stared at him. The looks they gave can scare away one off a mile away. Laxus, looked angry beyond reason, went up Gajeel's table with his lightning encased hands. He slammed his hand down, nearly breaking the table.

"Don't you dare talk about him in that way!" Laxus yelled into Gajeel's ear as he picked him up by the throat.

"Hey, what's the big idea," Gajeel replied as he trashed back and forth.

"That man was the greatest person to ever exist. He had so much for Fairy Tail it's unbelievable so you  don't have any right to mention him!!!"

"Oh yeah? Then tell me his name so I can judge him properly!"

"That man's name is-"

"-is the Champion of Fiore, Era's Watcher, Master Swordsmen, SSS Class wizard, Fairy Guardian, and my father, Vide Frost."

Suddenly, everyone one looked towards the door to see a mysterious, ice blue exceed that all of a sudden appeared out of nowhere. The veteran members stared in shock as renegotiation filled their eyes.

"Fre-Fre-Freya?" Mira stuttered out as she clasped her mouth with both hands. The tears that Mira was holding back started slowly coming down her face.

"Hello mother, everyone. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Freya replied. Tears followed out of her eyes as tilted her head, smiling back at everyone.

Hello everyone. I hoped you liked the first chapter of, "The Eternal Fairy Guardian". It means so much to me if you tell your thoughts about my story I can improve as write so I can deliver the story that you, the audience, deserves. There two things I like to inform you guys about my story before bidding farewell. One, as I stated before, the main characters name is Nel Kite but the alias that he goes by right now in the story is Vide Frost. I will explain why it's like this in future so stay tuned for that. Second and last thing, the first voting poll is coming up, so be prepared for that. Okay, the next chapter will be hopefully published next two weeks. Until then, I bid farewell to my lovely and beautiful viewers. -Eternal, signing off. 

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