Chapter 4: Laxus Dreyar-Origin

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Whoosh. Boom!

All of sudden, the white light emanating from the crystal disappeared and the guild found themselves back in the guild hall. 

"What the-"

"Is everyone alright!?" shouted Alzack as he, Bisca, and Asuka on her shoulders came running in drew their guns drawn out. They came to halt when they saw there no danger. The only strange part was the guild was around a female blue cat in Mira's arm and Laxus was holding up what seems to be a diamond.

"Er-is everyone alright? We saw a huge flash of light emanating for the Guildhall on our way. While rushing to get here, there a second flash of light and here we are. So...what happened? "

Everyone was silent until. Then Freya got up from Mira's hands and floated towards the gun-wielding family. "Hello, Uncle Alzack and Aunt Bisca. It's been awhile."

The said people were in shock as recognization filled their eyes. Asuka looked the icy blue feline. She then suddenly grabbed and said, "Yay! A new kitty!"  Freya gasped for air she tried to escape the little girl's clutches. "You can let go now. Please let go. Let go. Let go!" 

Bisca put her daughter down, which caused Asuka to let go of her. But she can get a breath of relief, Bisca  and Alzack grabbed Freya and pulled her into a tight hug

"Freya, we missed you!" they sobbed as the Freya face color with from blue to purple.

"Mother! Mom! Help me!"




"It would be in your best interest to let go of my daughter. " Mira and Cana said as the magic power they were giving out was terrifying(Here is a lesson for you learn kids. Never make a lady angry. Trust me, it's not worth it.) Terrified, the emotional couple let the cat go.

"Freya is that you?"

Everyone wasn't here earlier just came door(the non Tenrou team). With the exception of Romeo, who just looks confused as the rest new members, rushed towards the blue feline, who return tried to scurry away from them.

Timeskip where they were all up to speed(Cause I am lazy).

"Ok, let me get this straight, you guys were having a normal day until Wendy asked about the banner, then Freya shows up with this Memorium Cyrstal, afterward you guys when into Laxus's memory to see Vide, then guys got transport back to which where are now?"(Alzack)

"That's correct! But Uncle, you never told me you met father that way. "(Freya)

"He never told any of us."(Evergreen)

"I don't want to talk about."(Laxus)


"Because its time in my life we I felt weak and insecure. If it wasn't for Vide, I don't what I would have done."

Carla, trying to defuse the situation asked the lighting user, "How was training with him?"

"It was amazing. At first, he would not let do much. But he told me later it was to access my prowess. Vide was true to his word. He did everything in his power teach me how to control the little magic I have. Over the duration of the phase of my training, we have become the best of friends. While he was teaching me, I would bring Vide requests from town. In fact, he became Magnolia's handyman. He willing to do any work for the sake of his 'lipservice". In a couple of weeks, everyone knew Vide's name and started to love him. Hell, even the thugs didn't do much around him. Then again, while his smile is legendary, an army can fall under his glare."

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