Chapter twenty eight: Finally a good day

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Tyga's pov

Ay I get a pov lol. Anyway I woke up in the guess room of the MB crib. It's nice. I got up and took a shower did my hygiene and put on some clothes. I was suppose to be at a hotel but I cancelled the reservation because my sister and her friends asked me and August to stay here. I found out that her ex been stalking her and I'm pissed. I thought for sho I got his ass like 10 years at the most. It ain't been nun but four years at the most. I was brought out my thoughts when my phone started ringin.

Phone convo

Tyga: "Hello?"

??: "Hey baby."

Tyga: "Hey Meg."

Meg: "How are you?"

Tyga: "I'm good. You?"

Meg: "I'm good I miss you."

Tyga: "You want to come down here with me."

Meg: "Sure. What hotel are you at?"

Tyga: "I'm not at a hotel."

Meg: "Then where are you."

Tyga: "I'm stayin wit Mo."

Meg: "Who the fuck is Mo!?"

Tyga: "My sister. Calm yo ass down."

Meg: "I'm sorry. I be there this afternoon."

Tyga: "Ok I gotta go. I'll see you later."

Meg: "I love you."

Tyga: "Yeah you too bye."

I hung up the phone and laid back on the bed. I looked at the clock. If I kno my sister then she still sleep. I went downstairs and started breakfast.

August's pov

I woke up and took a shower. I did my hygiene and put on some clothes. I smelled somethin cookin but was to lazy to go downstairs. Just then my phone started ringin.

Phone convo

August: "Hello?"

??: "Hey love."

August: "Hey Ty. Wassup?"

Ty: "I was wondering if we could go out when you get back."

August: "I was thinkin about that, but I'm not comin back right now. Can you come down here?"

Ty: "Sure what hotel you staying at?"

August: "I'm not at a hotel."

Ty: "Then where are you?"

August: "I'm stayin with Mo."

Ty: "Who is Mo?"

August: "My god daughter. Remember I told you about her."

Ty: "Right. Ok so I will be there this afternoon."

August: "Ok see you then."

Ty: "Bye."

I hung up the phone. The smell was makin me even more hungry so I finally got up and went downstairs. Tyga was cookin.

Mo's pov

I woke up to the smell of good food. I looked over to see Prince and he was sleep. I wanted to wake him up but he look so peaceful. I got up to take a shower and stop when I heard Prince say something.

Prince: "I love you Mo. I'll always protect you."

I smiled when I seen he was still asleep. I kissed his lips and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I got out did my hygiene and put on some clothes. I looked up and Prince was woke.

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