Chapter Fifty: "Shopping With the Girls"

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Prince's pov

I woke up this morning to a glowin girlfriend. I got her ass back from how she and Meg did me and Tyga. How did I get her back you ask? I gave her this D. Hahaha. Anyway she was sleeping so peaceful and she really has to get up to get ready to go shopping with the girls. The guys and I are having a guy day until they get back. I really don't want to wake her up, but I have to. I shook her lightly.

Prince: "Baby."

Mo: "Huh?"

Prince: "Wake up."

Mo: "Why?"

Prince: "You gotta go shopping with the girls, and if I heard correctly you told the girl to be here at eleven sharp."

Mo: "Yeah yeah wateva"

Prince: "Get up girl."

Mo: "Ok ok."

Prince: "Showering first?"

Mo: "Yeah."

She got up and went to take a shower. I laid back on the bed only to here her yelling to me from the bathroom.

Mo: "Prince?"

Prince: "Yeah?"

Mo: "Can you pick out some clothes for me?"

Prince: "Sure."

Mo: "Thanks baby."

Prince: "No problem."

I went to her bag and took out some long acid wash jeans and a grey white and black crop top and a black tank to go under. I laid it on the bed and she soon came out.

Mo: "No under clothes I see."

Prince: "You wanted me to get that too?"

Mo: "I did but I guess I'll get it."

Prince: "You sure?"

Mo: "Yes babe but thanks."

Prince: "Sure thing."

After that I kissed her and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I came out and put on some grey sweat pants and a white tshirt. I seen Mo bend over to put on her grey and white Jordan's. I had to mess with her.

Prince: "I just have one question."

Mo: "Which is?"

Prince: "How'd you fit....all them jeans?"

She started laughing so I kept going.

Prince: "You know what to do with that big fat but.....wiggle wiggle wiggle."

She was still laughing and went over to her and stood in front of her and grabbed her butt and smirked.

Mo: "Mantega sus manos fuera de mi culo. Siempre tratando de empezar algo."

Prince: "Y usted sabe que este hombre."

She said 'Keep your hands off my ass. Always trynna start something.' and I said 'And you know this man.' I kissed her and we sat back down until the rest of them gets ready.

Jas's pov

I woke up and Ray was in the shower. I got up and went to my bag to get some clothes to put on for today. Ray soon came out and looked at me before laying a kiss on my lips.

Ray: "Morning babe."

Jas: "Morning."

Ray: "I was just finna wake you up."

Jas: "Oh well I'm already up."

Ray: "I can see that."

Jas: "Yeah I'm finna shower now."

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