Chapter thirty one: What do you think?

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August's pov

I woke up this mornin and Ty was asleep. She starting to make everyone mad. I like her but I don't think I'm in love with her. I need to know what Mo and Suga think about her. Well I know Mo don't like her that obvious. She only talks in Spanish when she's trying not to hurt someone's feelings with the truth or when she's super mad or if she wants to hide what she's saying. Suga on the other hand has been quieter than usual. I got up to take a shower and put on some basketball short and went downstairs. Mo was already up and was cookin breakfast.

Mo: "Hey daddy."

August: "Hey short stuff."

Mo: "I'm not that short."

August: "What you makin?"

Mo: "Pancakes sausage eggs and strawberries."

August: "You cookin for everybody?"

Mo: "Nope just me."

August: "That's hurtful."

Mo: "I kno."

Just then Ray and Jas came down along with Prince.

Prince: "Morning everybody. Mornin baby."

He kissed Mo's cheek.

Mo: "Mornin."

Ray: "Wassup?"

Jas: "Hey. That looks good."

Mo: "I kno."

Prince: "Did you make me some?"

Mo: "Yep."

August: "So you make Prince some food but not the rest of us."

She started laughin like there was no tomorrow.

Mo: "I'm a lot of things but mean isn't one. Of course I fixed food for everyone."

She slowly stopped laughin. Then the rest of the guys came downstairs.

Suga: "Hey y'all."

Everybody but Suga: "Hey."

Ty was the only one not down here. So I guess it's the perfect time to ask everyone what they think about her. We all fixed our plates and sat at the table.

August: "So what do you guys think of Ty?"

Mo: "Please I'm trying to eat. Don't ruin my breakfast by mentioning her name."

August: "So I take it you don't like her?"

Mo: "That's an understatement. I think she a gold diggin slut and you can do so much better."

August: "Ok. Anybody else."

Suga: "I agree with Mo. You can do a lot better. There's somethin about her that don't sit right wit me."

Tyga: "Yeah she kinda weird bro."

Meg: "I kno you don't kno me to well for me to give an opinion but I think she just want you for your money."

Jas: "Enough said."

August: "Ok guys I respect your opinions."

Mo: "It don't matter what we think of her it's what you think of her. I just have one question tho."

August: "Shoot."

Mo: "Do you love her?"

Wow that caught me off guard.

August: "Well I like her but I wouldn't say I'm in love with her."

Mo: "Why not?"

August: "She's too......clingy. She don't say anythin to me unless it's about spending money."

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