Chapter 3

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Amy Pov.

      When I got out of my car I went to my school, waiting by the office. I was pretty nervous but excited in the same time. I was really hoping that I would see my old friends, and yet I did.  I saw Blaze talking with someone by a tree, she was only 20 feet away from me. I yelled "Blaze!" and I ran to her until I tripped on something. But I didn't fall to the ground, I felt two arms around me, someone catch me. I had my eyes shut and said "I'm so sorry!" as I looked up. I opened my eyes and saw a black hedgehog, he startled me for a second. I just stared at his red like blood colored eyes , we've been staring at each other for 5 seconds then he said "It's alright". I walked away without saying nothing. He seemed very familiar....... "Amy!" I looked around and saw blaze walking up to me. "Amy  I missed you so much!" as she hugged me. I hugged her back "Me too!" "I didn't know you would be here!" "Me too i thought you would be in another school !" Then the office was open. "Welp lets get a dorm!" Blaze said I replied "I hope we get the same one". We went in, got our number to where our dorms are. I asked "what did you get? I got 703" "I got 602" blaze said. We both whined sadly. Blaze said "Well good luck how about we see each other tomorrow at my dorm?" I said "Sounds like a plan!" and we both went to our place. I looked at all the doors on the 60o-709 section.....607...608....609....700....701....702! I opened the door and turned on the lights. It was a very nice place, pretty kitchen, and a pretty living room. I closed my door put my luggage next to the door and went to the bedrooms. There were two bedrooms and that's when I remembered....I have to share this dorm...great. I started to unpack a little then took a look around the place. I was very bored so I decided to go out for a walk since my roommate isn't here yet. Luckily there  was a park nearby my school so I went there and I wouldn't believe who I saw ...Rouge! apparently there were some other girls talking to her. I got closer to them and saw Sally, Cream, and Sticks (yes I will add Boom characters too XD). Their all my old friends! Rouge turned around and saw then yelled "Amy!!!" She came to me giving me a big hug. "TOO...TIGHT..." I said as she let go of me. Sally said "Amy?! I never knew you would be in this school!" Cream said "We haven't seen you for 3 years!" which was true. (Btw I'm gonna make Cream older now so yeah XD) As we all talked about our old times we had together Rouge interrupted saying "OH! how about we all spend the night at my place ?!" We all agreed to go. I asked "should we get our things though?" Rouge said "Oh don't sorry hun I have everything in my place" as she winked. I guess tonight will be fun!

Hello my ppl sorry for not publishing for a while, school has been getting in the way I hope you can understand just please be patient with me uwu and also please like and give a comment on this chaptie! don't forget to share this story too!  even tho not a lot of people are reading this hehe I'll get there 😅anyways love you all💖💗✨^3^ bye

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