Chapter 5

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Shadow Pov.


"Hey so what did you get Silver?"


"Darn I got 302, What did you get Shadz?"

"I'm glad it's 702...." I replied.

Knuckles said "I bet you all have to share! I got my own HAHAHAHA!"

"TAKE ME WITH YOU!!" said Silver.

"Kids" I rolled my eyes and headed to my dorm.

When I got in I saw a pink luggage right next to the door. Great I'm sharing with a girl ...💢 The place seemed very nice I guess. I went to a bedroom and started unpacking. A few minutes passed and I haven't heard of my roommate so I looked around to find her ...or him ...whatever. I didn't find my roommate..probably went to the office to change dorms. It was getting late so I went to bed and fall asleep. The next morning I got out of my bed and took a shower, to be honest I'm glad my roommate isn't here yet. I made some coffee when I finished until I heard my phone ringing in my room. I left my coffee on the counter and went to my room. A couple minutes later when I hanged up I heard the front door open. How did the front door open if it was on lock ?..... I slowly went to the living room and a girl was there. Wait have I seen her?

"H-Hello... heheh" she said.

I saw her left hand holding a key...I guess she's my roommate.

She seemed very familiar so I asked "Have I seen you before?" as I walked to her.

"....I think so...did I trip on you yesterday?"

That's when it hit me ....Amy Rose...

"Are you Amy Rose...?"

"Yes! ...Wait how did you know my- Shadow?!"

"I thought you wouldn't remember me.."

"Heh...well long time no see Shadow
I cant wait to get to know you more now "

"Now hold on ... " I got a little closer to her face to face " I'm just gonna let you a reminder that I'm not easily gonna get comfortable with you."

"O-oh.....alright  then..... well I'm gonna finish unpacking" and she went to her room.

"Hmph...." I looked at her back seeing her leave.....she does look cute....
....What am I saying....?! ..////...

                 ( Ty for reading! Don't forget to comment and like this chapter! 💖💖💓💕💞 Bye my roses !)

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