Chapter 4

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Amy Pov.

I'm in Rouge's place. It was 6:37 pm, "So lets start talking about our crush!!" Rouge said as the rest of the girls sit on the couches. Rouge said "Sally go!"

"Oh god why Rouge?" while making a face
•~• "Alright well....I'll give you a hint, he's a hedgehog, and he loves chilidog's.

Right away I knew it was Sonic. God when was the last time I saw him? Junior year? I remembered when I was 12 I wouldn't stop chasing Sonic, I liked him a lot....until one day he rejected me in junior year saying that he doesn't want to see me again. He even blocked me on Instagram.... What a jerk....

Rouge giggled and said "Ok well we all know it's Sonic, how about you cream?"

Cream just blushed shyly while looking down. "It's tails."

"Awwwww.." Sally said.

"How about you Rouge?" Sticks said as she raised one eyebrow.

"Gosh darn it....its that red boy.."

"Knuckles?" while I smirk.

"Yes, and soon he'll be mine then we can be in bed together" then she winked.

"Oh god please serouisly? now?!" I said.

"I'm kidding, the sides I don't want to have children but god their so cute!...So who do you like Amy?!"

"Ha! No one.....I don't know if I'm ever gonna like someone in the school."

"Oh you will..." as Rouge giggles a bit.

Sticks said "You all know me I don't like anyone and I will never do except my home 😎.

"Oh Sticks" said Sally rolling her eyes.

The next morning wasn't so bad I'm just glad school starts tomorrow. All of us woke up, ate breakfast, change to our normal clothes and go back to our places.

I asked Rouge "Hey Rouge, if for some reason things don't work out with my roommate....Can I move in with you? Since your not sharing with anyone"

"Of course darling! Just tell me immediately and I'll make a room for you!"

"Thank you Rouge your the best!" I hugged her and left.

When I got inside my dorm everything looked the same except a bag on the couch and a coffee cup on the counter.....seems that my roommate is here.

         (Hello my roses ^^ sorry for the long wait school really got me busy tho today I'm gonna publish another chapter ! Ty for reading even tho it's cringy ;-; xD plz comment I wanna see what you think about this story :>💞)

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