Chapter 8

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Okay so maybe sitting in my bed with a tub of cookie dough ice cream and watching Netflix on my laptop wasn't the best was to cope with my problem but hey! It was a moment of weakness! What would you do if someone you hired to protect you turned out to be the guy that killed your mother? After he had told me his entire story, including why he didn't kill me, I told him to leave and never come back. I still couldn't realy wrap my head around it. I trusted him. But I guess it was my fault. I was too quick to trust him! I won't make that mistake again, that's for sure.

I shoved a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth and sighed. I was so stupid! And I'd even given him the satisfaction of watching me cry! God, what was wrong with me these days? I felt my phone buzz at my side and I picked it up, seeing it was a text from Tyler.

Ty: How you holding up?

Me: Fine.

Ty: Definition of Catalyst's 'fine': Ice cream and Netfix.

Me: Oh, you know me so well.

Ty: TOO well. Are you sure you don't want me to come over?

Me: Yeah I'm sure.

Ty: Okay then, well I'm heading to bed. Goodnight, sleep tight, let the bed bugs bite; They'll take your mind off everything.

Me: Gee thanks. You're so thoughtful.

Ty: You love me.

Me: Indeed I do. Night

I put my phone down on my side table and padded into the kitchen to find a midnight snack. I poured myself a glass of milk and leaned against the counter with a sigh. It was kind of weird without Oliver here, cracking jokes about my eating habits or listening to me rant about my newest obsessions. I shook my head to clear it and groaned inwardly. No. I was not going to think about him. Not happening.

I took a sip of my milk and turned to the window- and dropped my glass, shards of the shattered cup sliding across the floor. Just outside the window with its thin, pale hands pressed against the glass, was a spirit. He was tall with black hair and grey, almost white eyes. Half of his face was charred black and he was covered in blood and ash. His head tilted to the side and he grinned, the charred side of his face cracking in protest.

I backed up until my back hit the counter and stared at the face in the window. He pressed his face against the glass and licked the window and I supressed a shudder. Out of nowhere, a stone crashed through the window. I sqeaked and scrambled away the best I could, only catching two or three pieces of glass in my arm. I winced but ignored it and I watched in horror as the spirit climbed in through the now shattered window. He stepped towards me, all of his movements twitchy and jerking, and I ran from the room.

I quickly shoved on my sneakers and made a break for the front door. I swung it open and came face to face with a dark figure. His miscolored eyes met mine and I shuddered.

"Ah. Catalyst! Nice to see you again. My, my, how you've grown!" Praised the man and swung the front door shut. I spun around to run but the othe spirit had caught up with me. The man with the miscolored eyes held a hand up and the spirit stopped in his tracks and froze in place. I faced the man again and took a step back.

"I know you," I stammered.

"Indeed you do my dear," Smiled the man.

I pointed to the spirit behind me and growled. "You let him in didn't you?"

The man grinned and shrugged off his coat. "You're a quick one, aren't you?"

I took another step back and gripped the edg of the entryway table for support. "How do you know me?"

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