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Sweat pored down his face and limbs as he punched yet anther innocent tree as if it was somehow to blame for his current state. Stupid Park Jimin. How could he have blamed Yoongi for hating humans? He had a very valid reason and Jimin of all should understand that!

Yet there was something like regret lingering in his mind as he thought about his actions.

Maybe he was a bit too acute, narrow minded.

He shook his head angrily. That was Jimin talking not him.

But then again, he missed the younger so much. He missed the eye smile, the giggles, the laugh, everything that had brightened Yoongi's life, inside out.

But Jimin had mistaken the most crucial part, that he can possibly stop hating humans. He will absolutely not! Vile, greedy creatures. He was better off without Jimin. He could definitely manage it without the younger. After all he was strong.

But now that his initial rage has calmed down somewhat, some of the points Jimin had made started to make sense.

Which didn't suit him at all.

Yet he was being judgmental, wasn't he?

The fact that he held a grudge against humankind because of one whore. If he thought about it, Jimin was human, his friends were human, yet they were all so kind and good.

Maybe he had yet to witness that humans could also be nice and generous when they wanted, but he could already prove it, Park Jimin.

The younger was so kind and gentle, he never liked to fight, he always thought about others before he acted in anyway. Wasn't that enough to believe that humans can be better?

Thought it's hard to believe the good rather that the bad.

But maybe, hating humans because of her, is not what his mother wanted. How would she have felt that her son hated her kind of beings?

Yoongi slid down to the ground, groaning. 

How could he have hated Lilly though? The kid came to this world this year and she did not in fact deserve to have such an unjust anger directed to her.

"bloody stupid, Min Yoongi" he muttered, devastated. He had no idea if Jimin wold even accept him. But as much as reluctant Yoongi was to admit it, he could see that the younger was vital for his very existence.

He had to get his boy back.

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