Chapter 3

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“Boo.” I heard someone whining. I didn’t know what time it was but I knew that I was definitely not ready to get up just yet. I tried to ignore it but then the voice continued. “Roman you bitch!” I heard someone chuckle. This time I had to open my eyes, I had a pretty good idea who the voice was and I also had a pretty good idea why the voice was complaining.

I opened my eyes and realised that my pillow was in fact Roman Reigns and I was in fact in his bed. His arm was draped over my back and I was rather comfortable, I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. “Good morning.” He said as he shifted so he could lean over and kiss my forehead.

“Hi.” I croaked in return.

And then I looked up to see the owner of the voice that had woken me up. Yep. Seth Rollins was stood in Roman’s room with his arms crossed over his chest with a playful pout on his face. “Did you ditch me Indie?” He frowned.

I smiled at him. “Yep, Sorry Sethy.” I nodded my head and then proceeded to bury my head back in to Roman’s chest. I heard Seth stamp his feet and then storm out of the bedroom dramatically. I giggled in to Roman’s chest and he tightened his grip around my torso.

“Reigns we need to talk!” Well that was my brother and he didn’t seem happy at all.

“But Seth was snuggling with Indie too, why do I get in trouble?” He mutters loud enough for Dean to hear. I laugh softly and shake my head and lift my head up just enough to see the alarm clock on the other side of Roman, it’s eleven o’clock.

“Not about that you idiot, get up!” Dean replies and slams the bedroom door.

I laughed and sat up. “How likely is it that he’s actually gonna bash you up?” I asked with a grin as I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms. Roman smirked at me.

“Almost positive he’s going to bash me up.” Roman laughed as he got up. I kicked my legs over the side of the bed and shivered, Roman’s bed was so warm and cosy. I ignored my discomfort and got out of bed and went to leave so I could grab a shower and get dressed but I got pulled back by Roman. He yanked on my hand, gently of course, and pulled me over to him. I put my free hand on his chest and looked up at him. “Need a hug, might not see you again.” He pouts.

“That’s a little bit cute.” I grin up at him and move my hand from his chest and wrap, or attempt to, both my hands around his torso. I lean my head against his chest, and sigh contently. I have the best friends ever.

Don't Make Me Choose - Roman Reigns and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now